chapter 10

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The next morning Asta had just finished his work out and training and was now walking around the forest enjoying the peace, Asta was some more when he stops and looks up at the blue sky

Asta:it's such a calm morning if I do say so myself

Liebe pops a mouth out on Asta back hand

Liebe:how long have we been out here?

Asta:don't know maybe four or five hours

Liebe:[sighs] why do you insist on getting up so early

Asta:[shrugs] I guess I'm just not a sleepy person

Liebe:[yawns] we'll I am why didn't you just leave me back at the base

Asta:because I want some company

Liebe:well forget it I'm going sleep

Asta:fine go head and get your beauty sleep

Liebe:tsk, shut up

Asta walks around in silence just enjoying the peace but then an anti-bird flies down and lands on his head

Asta:huh? Oh a bird

Asta moves his hand near the anti-bird and it jumps on its finger

Asta:(I thought these things flew in a flock, guess not)

Asta sees that the bird had a bored expression on its face

Asta:(what a weird bird) fly away little guy

The bird flies up but not away from Asta bjt instead flies on top of Asta's head

Asta:or not

Asta tries to swat the bird away but it doesn't leave

Asta:[sighs] fine I guess i did ask for some company, I should head back

Asta turns around and head back to the black bulls base, when Asta gets there he walks inside and sees everyone already eating

Magan:oh Asta thought you were still asleep

Luck:or dead [laughs]

Asta:nope I was just out on a walk

Yami:well grab some breakfast you have another mission today

Asta takes a seat but sees no sign of Noelle

Asta:so where's Noelle?

Vannesa:not sure she walked out when we all got here

Chramy:she said she wasn't feeling hunrgy when you guys were walking down stairs

Asta:so she didn't eat?

Charmy:no she left her plate there so i ate it

Asta:well do you think you can prepare a dish for me to take to her?

Not even a second later charmy had a box already set for Asta

Charmy:here you go and an extra for you

Asta:woah that was fast!

Charmy:when it comes to tasty nom nom's you can always count on me to have them ready

Asta:well thanks, I'll be sure to get it to her

Yami:make it quick she's also going on this mission with you

Asta:you got ut captain

Asta walks outside and teleports to where he knew Noelle would be, once teleported there he saw Noelle still struggling to hit a tree, Asta walks slowly to her trying not to get noticed

Gojo Asta Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ