chapter 6

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Asta was walking along side yami and Finral as the three were approaching the door it blew open flying towards Asta but the infinity stopped it

Asta:[smiles] well that was close

Finral:(how is he doing that I don't sence any magic)

Yami:(that's one Imprssive ability)

The three walk in to see a whole mess, Asta sees nothing but chaos which causes him to burst out laughing

Asta:oh man I knew I was right to pick this squad, man this is going to be good

Yami grabs everyone's attention and they sit right in front of them

Yami:alright listen up dumbasses this is the other new recruit joining our squad, introduce yourself

Asta:the names Asta Gojo but you can call me Asta

Finral introduces them one by one, once that was over with they all greet Asta individually

Gordon:[whispers] a new friend I'm so happy

Luck:what's with the blindfold? are you strong? let's fight


Vannesa:[wraps arm around Asta] wanna have a drink with me?


Charmy:here have some tasty nummys

Asta:um sure

Everyone began crowding Asta until Magna had something to say

Magna:hold on just a minute, as the new guy it's tradition that he goes through the baptism to become a full black bull


Vannesa:[sighs] not this again

Asta:can someone explain what that is?

Magna:you've already taken the magic knights exam now all you need to do to recive this robe is to fight me

Asta:[smiles] sounds stupid but fine let's do it

Magna:[smiles] follow me

They all head outside to watch Asta's inauguration into the black bulls

Magna:now you can do what ever you want, you can block, attack anything just don't get hit

Asta:don't get hit huh? [smiles] got it, alright hit me

Yami:this'll turn out bad for him

Vannesa:I'm sure the kid will be alright

Yami:I'm not worried about the kid, I was talking for magna

Magna charges up a massive fire ball and shoots it at Asta but uses his curse technique lapse blue and pulls magna and the fire ball towards each other and it explodes right in Magna face, everyone is shocked they didn't understand what happened

Luck:WOAH!!! Me next

Vannesa:what just happened?

Gordan:[whispers] my best friend is strong

Yami:see told you

Asta:I didn't kill him did I?

Yami:i don't know probably

Magna comes out from the flames

Asta:[smiles] oh wait no he's alive, hey sorry about that

Magna stares Asta down

Asta:[smiles] no hard feeling right


Magna makes his way to Asta

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