The Uninvited - Dreamcatcher Gahyeon ( Part 2)

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A long time has passed since Miss Gahyeon and I had that unexpected conversation inside her room and honestly, it still felt like yesterday since then. Needless to say, I got a lot more close to her in terms of being a friend and a family butler, and in turn developing our comfort for each other for each of the days that the months that passed. While I would still see her arguing countless times with both the house matriarchs Ladies Sua and Siyeon, unlike before there was something significantly different that I observed from her actions compared to her harsh words. Miss Gahyeon notably became a lot less rebellious than she used to be. I could see that she’s more on looking at the silver lining of things and appreciating then for what they were.

I could only assume that my constant late-night conversations with her helped her cope up in some shape or form. Surely, Miss Gahyeon looks a lot more stunning now that she’s taking things a lot more lightly; it was like she was glowing, literally. I would also say that I got a lot more attached with her uniquely curved smile that only Gahyeon could give. I have also noticed that both Lady Sua and Lady Siyeon became a lot busier during the past days and so, with both of them going home late or not going home entirely, it opened a lot of time for me to talk with Miss Gahyeon during their absence.

At this point, having worked for a lot of hours inside the Lee household, I am pretty much feeling that I was ‘one’ with the family. I am so close with all my co-workers and fellow in-house staff, especially with the chief cook Miss Jessa, whom was always my partner in a lot of things that concerned for the Lee service. It made work a lot lighter and easier to breeze through and for once I actually enjoyed staying in and doing every day jobs even without seeing my family, surprisingly. Of course, I am not forgetting to provide for my siblings as I kept on sending them a portion of my salary every month whenever I could. On top of that, I feel really happy to have contributed to Miss Gahyeon’s brighter mood. It felt nice to finally make a difference in my life. I could never have asked for anything more and life moved ever so swimmingly.

It was a cold Saturday night and I had just finished sorting out the trash from the wine cellar. I exited my way towards the small door on the east wing of the house holding a large trash bag full of broken wine bottles and other garbage from the room specifically, and I was about to place the bag in the garbage bin when a bright light from a car approached me coming from the far end of the manor’s east gates. The blue Mercedes then turned and halted near where I was standing followed by the swift opening of the rear doors. The figures of Lady Sua and Siyeon, dressed in red and white blazers and dress pants respectively, then emerged and greeted me arriving fresh from their trip from Gangnam earlier that day.

“Good evening, Lady Sua, Lady Siyeon,” I greeted with utmost courtesy as I bowed while still holding the trash bag on one of my hands.

“Hello, Y/N,” Lady Sua greeted in return, closing the rear passenger’s door and bowing in conjunction. “Is Gahyeon here already?”

“She’s not yet home, I’m afraid. Miss Gahyeon did tell message me earlier that she might come home late after dinner. I think she had to attend to a short errand.”

“Well, for once I’m glad that she’s not home yet,” I heard Lady Siyeon’s voice call from the other side of the car as she exited the Mercedes through the door. She then turned towards Mr Jeon, the driver who was inside the car, and spoke to him for further instructions. “Please don’t park the car next to the Maserati. I find it really difficult to pull out from parking when this wide thing is next to the coupe. Thank you so much, Mr Jeon.”

“Is there something wrong, Lady Sua?” I asked towards the smaller-framed Lee wife.

“Well, we actually have something to talk about with you, Y/N. It won’t take that long but it’s very important. Can you meet me and Siyeon at the study room upstairs? We’ll talk there. Please bring a bottle of ‘Piri’ and three glasses while you’re at it.”

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