Undying Love - LOONA Olivia Hye (Part 3)

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Weeks have passed since Son Hyejoo and I shared our first interaction ever, and yet it already felt like months with all the development that followed after that. I would have preferred if it were under different circumstances, but apparently it was the sole reason that she got interested into talking with me. I cannot blame her; certainly after causing such a huge scene in front of many watching eyes just like that, our succeeding encounter was all but certain. Although, up until now, I never gave her a specific answer as to why I even did that in the first place as I merely dismissed it with a short excuse. Maybe it was also one of the reasons why she took a strong interest in me after what happened. She wanted to know the answer.

Perhaps her inquiry was the reason why I am waiting inside a small bubble tea shop not far from the school. It was weekend too, and the sun was bright up so I don't really get why she would meet me up on this time of the day. Normally she would be busy on something else.

Initially, when I promised myself that I would ask Hyejoo out, I did not view it to be just like this. Instead, it felt more like it was he, who became the one that was asking me out, which was strange. I was determined beforehand, maybe even desperate, to find the connection between her and Olivia. Even on our small conversations there was always a hidden agenda. The sense of de javu that she mentioned to me in more times before sparked interest and inquiry in my head; she insists that she's had this feeling that she's met me, even more so displaying a suspicious state of calmness and comfort whenever she was with me. That's normally not the case, unless she already met me before in some way. It only added up to the questions I had in my head...

That was one of my takeaways that maybe, in some shape or form, in some rule that was crazy enough for the universe... Olivia Hye might be present in the person of Son Hyejoo. The fact that it was not only me that was able to feel that might already say something that's going on between us. There was an unknown connection; a link that drew us together whenever we decided to go out for whatever reason we might deem. It used to be for the purpose of knowing the other better but then it slowly became the thing that we were looking forward to every week. One coffee date became two, and then three, and then we could not stop because the truth was we never really wanted it to stop.

The next thing that Hyejoo and I knew, we were already dating.

It was bizarre whenever I think about it considering it all happened so fast. However, it was the mutual feeling that was the catalyst for everything. I could not relay how much familiar she seemed to me even if I had just formally met her a couple of weeks earlier after the locker room incident. That goes with her as well. I don't know. It was too mystical, even fictional to think about but that's exactly how everything went. Talking to Hyejoo for the first time felt like opening a familiar book that I have read before but subtly forgotten which I would think was exactly the feeling you get when you meet a person again for a long time.

I am not even trying to associate her with Olivia at this point. Yes, they sure looked really identical, but now Hyejoo's doing almost everything that Olivia used to do down to her smallest mannerisms. It was haunting to even watch her do it for the first time, especially when I was so familiar with it before.

Today was our second date after officially being a couple for a couple of weeks now. Things have certainly changed now that I'm trying to put the thought of Olivia behind me as much as I could, and to the best of my abilities treat Hyejoo as Son Hyejoo; as the person she really is and not anyone else. So far, it worked really well and I've began to handle our relationship with relative ease, of only not for the momentary glimpses of Olivia in her. It was difficult, weird even, but I am happy that I am together with her despite sensing some sort of Olivia's presence.

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