My Girl Bestfriend - ITZY Ryujin (Part 3)

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Authornim: Hey!

I know I did mention in the previous update that this would be the final chapter for Ryujin’s one shot, but I did a few revisions with my earlier draft that made the story longer and so I had to cut it for pacing and editing purposes.

I had to do that so as to not put out an update with all the resolution cramped in a single chapter. Splitting it into two parts would be the better for the story and I think you would see what I mean at the very end of this update.

That’s all. Please enjoy the story!


Y/N was notably a lot different ever since he received that letter from Lia. It was even quite safe to say that he never became the same again after their brief encounter. Of course, it was nothing short of difficult to accept the fact that he could no longer bring himself to even see the person who had his heart for a brief moment, and it was even a lot harder to accept that the small sliver of chance he got was blown without a chance of redemption whatsoever. He refused to believe that the chapter of his life with Lia was over, but the more that he convinced himself that everything still has a small chance, the more the reality would hardly hit him. Lia has gone back to wherever she came from, leaving nothing but an ample piece of handwritten letter that would be the only tangible memory of her presence in Y/N’s world.

A few weeks has passed since that encounter and the Shin sisters found themselves treading on the mall inside the city, on the initial premise that the day would only be used for shopping essentials. Ryujin stood on the edge of the railing looming over the long strands of escalators linking the multitude of the mall’s floors; her face hung in a rather blank expression as she scrolled through her phone. Her rather timid and uninterested face definitely did not complement the rest of her involved wardrobe. She stood there wearing a grey tank top with a plaid black and red shirt over it, a pair of denim shorts, and pale-pink sneakers finished with a baseball cap placed neatly over her neatly tied crown of black hair. Shin Ryujin raised her head and turned for a bit and noticed her sister Yuna exiting the women’s restroom a few feet from where she waited, and such she began to walk away from the railing while transferring her attention once more to her phone.

“Unnie, wait for me!” Yuna called to her as she exited the restroom of the large mall holding a pair of paper bags on either of her hands. Similar to her older sister, Yuna was wearing a white tank top and a pair of sweat pants with her choice of a long sleeved pink shirt tied neatly on her waist like a belt. Ryujin, however, was occupied on her phone to even recognize the call of the younger Shin. She merely continued to walk absentmindedly in one direction with her focus glued on the screen while she let her legs walk where they ought to go.

“Yah, unnie, did you even hear me? I told you to wait outside for me! I don’t think I took that long, right?”

“You’re fine, Yuna. It’s not like I left your or anything,” Ryujin dismissed nonchalant. “I saw you coming out of the restroom and I decided that I’ll just walk ahead. I’m not leaving you, so stop acting like a baby.”

“I just thought you were walking somewhere else. You were pretty stuck on your phone and that has been going on for a while, too. If you won’t tell me what you’re busy there for, I’ll assume you’re waiting for a specific text message from an important person, or maybe you’re debating whether you should message this person or not.”

“Yuna, that’s way too accurate of a guess. Care to explain how you got to it?”

“You had that written all over your face, unnie.”

Ryujin sighed.

“Maybe I’m just overthinking or whatever. Things are probably just fine and I’m being too worried about him for nothing…”

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