My Girl Bestfriend - ITZY Ryujin (Finale)

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For a night that was so dominated with a lot of artificial lights, overwhelmed with music emanating from large, imposing speakers, and filled with tons of colours of suits and gowns disappearing in a colourful clothed crumble, being able to finally head out of the scenery and grasp the refreshing breeze of the night sky felt like a cultural reset. The way that the soft, cold wind would graze one's skin after being cramped inside the Diamond Hall was immaculate; the sensation was akin to a cold drink in a warm summer day. True enough, with all the luxury and royalty of the event, it would have a tendency to dry its students of an interest with each of them inevitable yearning for a brief break from the glamour and the glitz of the place. Luckily, with Hotel Marquis being the grand hotel that it is, there was a way to relax from the loud ruckus of the dance floor.

Amidst the proud, curtained and decorated Diamond Hall there was a small pathway located at the right wing of the main event hall perfectly hidden with double oaken doors. It was unnecessarily concealing itself from the rest of the event with its décor perfectly blending in with the rest of the aesthetic and rendering it practically invisible for those who would not even seek what was beyond it.

The door concealed what was a long, winding and roofed pathway with its pavement etched with bright, black stone and its sides lined with emerald bushels that shone with the floor-based lamps that also provided the pathway with a dim light. There was a lingering flowery smell about it; a fragrance that has long been kept from the people who were too pre-occupied with the dancing party on the main hall. The raven night sky shone perfectly through the path's rather uniquely design roof; having its layer covering the pathway quite similar to an upturned ladder. With the perfectly crescent moon looming overhead the humble path, mimicking a sentinel perfectly statured in its place, the pathway could easily provide a romantic vibe to it; its winding path alone surely would provide a good time to talk with one's significant other while easily being lost in its never-ending atmosphere.

If only Ryujin was not heartbroken upon walking the path, she would have definitely appreciated it.

She long wanted to exit the jaunty and outlandish atmosphere of the hall the moment that the dance finally began. In her head, there was only one person of whom she wanted to dance with. However, seeing how the person she wanted go around dancing literally everyone she knew he would aside from her; Ryujin knew that it was time to leave the place and that there was no other hope for her and Y/N's ruined friendship.

It was quite convenient that during her desperation, the oaken doors leading to the secret garden showed themselves to her.

There was always that air of anticipation ever since the event began and she even made sure to it that she'd keep her attendance to the Ball a complete secret until the very last minute, even from her own younger sister. She thought that it was fitting to do that to deliver a surprise blow to Y/N and Yuna for her sudden appearance, but now that she thought of it, her plan throughout the entire night backfired right at her face.

Throughout the first batch of dancing in the night, she really wanted to distance herself from Y/N as she really did not like to simply bump into him out of nowhere since she's unprepared in case they suddenly talked. Perhaps it was also her pride and her embarrassment that would be put into line the moment that she ended up with her in the middle of the grand promenade, knowing how awkward it might have been for both of them since the past weeks. There was no denying, however, that whenever she would find Y/N dancing near her there was a shiver running down her spine, quite characterized by the flutter of butterflies inside her stomach. She never had to deal with sensations like that ever before and so all she could do with what she was feeling was to flee out of Y/N's sight and head back to her chair.

What am I doing? Ryujin thought to herself while she walked the long path, the hem of her white dress grazing the exposed grass on the sidewalk. I shouldn't even have a reason to leave the hall. It was my idea to go here in the first place and now, why am I leaving?

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