3 - Life Goes On

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After Amelia had killed Thanos and returned to Earth, she didn't know what to do with herself. Life went on while she felt stuck. Tony and Pepper finally got married and Pepper announced she was pregnant, eventually giving birth to a daughter named Morgan. When Amelia attended the wedding, her brother and friend had asked her what was next for her, and she didn't know how to answer.

It took months of travelling to figure out that she couldn't leave the Avengers behind, or at least what remained of them. Everyone was slowly going their separate ways. Tony went off to have a normal life (even though he kept building suits), Clint went off the radar entirely, Bruce said he had to do some soul searching and Thor set up a home for himself and what remained of the Asgardians. Meanwhile, Amelia explored the world after spending so much time in space. It lasted about six months before she finally returned, just in time for her niece to be born.

Morgan was the light of the Stark's lives. While Amelia did keep her home at the Avengers compound, she split her time between there and Tony's place where she took on the role of a loving and very irresponsible aunt to the kid. She was almost as bad as Tony and the Pepper was telling them both off constantly. It was that family dynamic that made her want someone of her own to look after.

She had a son.

At least, that's what she called him. Around the second year mark, she adopted a young border collie she named Theseus, although everyone called him Theo. He lived at the compound with her and Nat, which was perfect considering the open space surrounding it. He was emotional support for both of the women after everything that happened and he made the large place feel a little less lonely.

Besides Tony, Steve and Nat had been the two people who Amelia had spent the most time with in the five years that it had been. While, of course, Steve was off doing his own thing, he would visit regularly. He would always bring encouraging words with him, trying his best to cheer them up or get them to take a break from their avenging when there wasn't much left to avenge. They just couldn't leave it behind, though. It was their life. Their calling.

"Theo, stop," Nat complained quietly as the dog tried to reach for her sandwich. The two women were sat in the compound meeting room, Carol, Rocket, Nebula, Okoye and Rhodey on video projections around the table. It had become a home base for operations, on Earth and beyond.

"Yeah, we boarded that highly suspect warship Danvers pinged," Rocket said after Theseus was done interrupting. Amelia gave him a bit of her own sandwich and rubbed his ears.

"It was an infectious garbage scowl," Nebula added.

"So, thanks for the hot tip," Rocket scoffed.

"Well, you were closer," Carol pointed out.

"Yeah. And now we smell like garbage."

Nat placed her plate down and leaned against the table next to where Amelia was sat. The latter woman loved the job they did, but Nat was way more invested than she was. She found threats where there weren't any, dealing with things that didn't need to be dealt with. All the while, Amelia and Theseus spent their free days swimming in the lake outside or racing through the woods. If not that, then the Stark was in her lab working on brand new tech.

"You get a reading on those tremors?" the red-haired woman asked Okoye.

"It was a mild subduction under the African plate," she explained.

"Do we have a visual?" Nat questioned. "How are we handling it?"

"Nat, it's an earthquake under the ocean," Okoye pointed out. "We handle it by not handling it."

"Carol, are we seeing you here next month?" Amelia asked. 

"Not likely."

"What, you gonna get another haircut?" Rocket cut in.

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