3 - Fighters

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Amelia awoke to Thor gently slapping her face in a panic, thinking she might be dead. Physically, she was fine. Mentally, she was panicking herself because they had landed on some unknown planet that she could only describe as an intergalactic junkyard. Maybe she should have just stayed on Earth and risked being locked up because it would certainly be better than being an unknown amount of lightyears away from her home.

Trash was falling from the sky and they had to keep one eye up to be able to avoid it. As they looked over the horizon, it seemed like there was a whole city in this place. At the very least, there was life considering the small ships that were flying around in the distance. Whether they were friend or foe was another story. Suddenly, a ship had approached them, a group of masked people unloading from it. Amelia and Thor approached hesitantly.

"Are you a fighter? Or are you food?" one of them asked.

"We're just passing through," Thor answered.

"It is food! On your knees."

Amelia scoffed at them as they approached with their pathetic weapons. Thor fought with his brute force, while she burned anyone that came close. The god had eventually been beaten down when they trapped him in an electrified net. The Stark, however, sliced them with her swords and they dared not attack her any further. Either her fire would protect her, or she would teleport out of the way.

Suddenly, another large ship descended. This one was commandeered by a beautiful woman. She exited her ship with a drink in hand, looking menacing but obviously drunk.

"They're mine," she declared as she descended the ramp. Then she fell off the side. Drunk. Before the masked men could go back to attacking Thor, she picked herself back up. "Wait! They're mine. So if you want them, you go through me."

"But we've already got them."

"Alright, then," she huffed. "I guess I go through you."

"More food."

Amelia simply watched on as the masked men moved towards the woman. She clicked her wrists together, blue lights flickered around them. It wasn't dissimilar to tech that she and Tony had made before. Amelia didn't even bother to attack with her fire anymore. Things were about to get real fun.

The woman held her arms forward and began shooting like crazy with the guns on her ship using motion control. It was brutal but absolutely glorious to watch unfold. The men screamed and began to scatter in every direction possible, but all fell victim to the blue blasts. When one guy was left standing and ran at her, she simply punched him and then tossed him far over her shoulder. Thor let himself out from the net.

"Thank you," Thor said, but he was cut off from saying anything else when she threw a small round device at his neck and he dropped to the ground at the press of a button. She spun on Amelia.

"Hey, hun, I'll come willingly when you've got guns that big," Amelia said with a smirk, raising her hands. The woman approached, a smirk on her own face. She reached up to fiddle with a strand of the Stark's hair, before sticking a shock device in Amelia's neck and forcing her down to the ground in a fit of convulsions like Thor.

"Nice try."

She dragged the two of them onto her ship and rested them on the glass below her seat. Amelia had never fully lost consciousness, unlike Thor, simply because he was shocked for longer than her. She was playing funky music while piloting her ship, which Amelia listened to quietly as they rode. It didn't take long for Thor to wake up. At the sound of his grunting, the woman looked down with a smug smile.

"Scrapper 142," she said through a comms system. "I need clearance and an audience with the boss. I've got something special."

"Hey! Where are you taking us?" Thor asked but she just ignored him. "Answer me! Hey! I am Thor, son of Odin. I need to get back to Asgard."

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