6 - The Goddess of Fire

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Amelia and Valkyrie were setting the spark for a revolution. While the Stark had hacked the mainframe for the electric chips, or obedience disks as Valkyrie had called them, the Asgardian woman had gathered weapons for the fighters to use. When ready, they had blasted down the door to the freaky circle holding cell. All of the fighter's inside looked eager for some action free of the arena now that their chips were removed. The Grandmaster was going to be pissed.

"Korg?" Amelia called out as she entered the room after Valkyrie. The rock man was standing at the front of the group.

"Ah!" he exclaimed. "It's the Lord's friend. How can we help you today?"

"I think it's time you avenge Doug," she remarked. Both Korg and Meik perked up. Valkyrie then tossed the large gun she had at him. "The Lord of Thunder sends his best."

"The revolution has begun!" he yelled, cocking his gun. The other prisoners began to cheer in unison. The two women smirked at each other. The first step of the plan was done with. At the same time, Thor and Loki were retrieving one of the Grandmaster's ships, ready for the rest of them to hop on. Now, it was time to head for the Anus.

The pair had then reconvened with Bruce. He flew with Valkyrie in her ship, while Amelia had finally let her wings free, flying just above them as an extra shooter when the fighting started. There were multiple ships following Thor. While Valkyrie had taken care of the biggest one with her ship guns, Amelia had sent blasts at the three others that were tailing them, knocking them all out of the sky with precision.

She kept following after Bruce made it onto their escape ship, only Valkyrie left in the one below. Amelia kept firing at the assailant ships, but it was hard to dodge and attack at the same time and she was unsure if her protective fire made her immune to these alien weapons. Topaz was a problem, shooting at the two women from behind. It was one Amelia wanted to deal with.

She blasted Topaz while trying to avoid the gunfire trained on her. She wasn't even sure if they could be called guns, they were more akin to the blasters from Tony's suit. The blast hit Topaz' ship front, cracking the reinforced glass. The woman picked up speed, shooting wildly, and ended up hitting one of Valkyrie's flight stabilising turbines. Amelia flew underneath to keep the aircraft level.

Valkyrie, however, had other ideas. She jumped from her ship and landed on Thor's Amelia following after and landing gracefully atop it, while the Asgardian woman was clinging to the side.

"Get inside!" Thor yelled to the two of them. The woman exchanged a look, silently agreeing on their stupid and badass plan.

"In a minute!" Valkyrie yelled back.

Amelia grabbed her hand and they flew off the ship, landing on the large one behind them, both dragging their swords down its roof until it exploded. They had then split off in separate directions. The Stark flew between the smaller aircrafts and hit them with blasts of fire that sent them spiralling to the ground. She had then flown to the ship Thor had jumped upon, clawing at with his fists until he hit the engine. Amelia gave him a smug smile as she used her way more efficient method of driving a flaming sword right into it. She lugged him away from the impact, dropping him back down onto another ship.

When she saw Topaz following Bruce, she circle back around to aid him. However, whatever button the scientist had pressed inside the Grandmaster's ship had set off colourful fireworks that caused Topaz to lose sight of her target. Amelia grabbed the side of the ship and pulled with her full strength, forcing the woman to collide with an already fallen ship and crash into the water below. She let out a loud laugh and she flew through the fireworks towards Bruce. When she landed inside the ship, she strapped herself in just as Thor and Valkyrie arrived too.

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