CHAPTER 5 : Jhon's Way - Jhon Benedict

Start from the beginning

"Okay then, I'll head back now."

Chief left the office and closed the door after Ms. Watson walked in..

Then Ms. Watson went to her table, but she's still looking down on the floor as if she's thinking deeply about something..
After she sat, she put her hands together on the table but she just looked straight down at the floor and she didn't even bother to check her files..

She usually comes in here and immediately checks if her table is clean, after checking she gets the files of what she's currently onto and asks questions to me. But now...
It seems like something is wrong..

"Ms. Watson...?", I asked.

But she didn't respond her eyes are just facing downwards not to mention she suddenly has bags under her eyes..

"Ms. Watson..? Hello..?", I asked again.

But still no response from her..
Just what is she thinking and what was she doing these past few days..?

"Ms. Watson!"

In my third attempt, instead of calling her name, I shouted her name to give some panic attack to her.

"Wh-What?!", she shrieked.

She shrieks...? That was so cute!! And also, that worked..

"A-Are you okay..? Ms. Watson..?", I asked.

"Y-Yeah.. I'm okay..", she replied and looked back down again..

She usually scolds me if I do that to her.. But again, she's not.. Something did happen to her, I can feel it.. No.. I'm certain. And I have to know what it is..
If I can't then we won't be able to proceed further on the case without her intelligence and knowledge of investigation..

3 hours and 30 minutes has passed

It's currently lunch time and Ms. Watson went somewhere.. And in the end, she didn't go to the Chief's office.
Just what in the world actually happened to her..?

I decided not to eat my lunch and go to the Chief's office. But after going there, the door was also locked.. I assume that the Chief went outside for lunch. I thought that he brings his own lunch..

Without anything to do and after losing my appetite to eat, I went outside and just walked around..

Then I came across a Café, it wasn't the same Café that me and Ms. Watson went to do our first meeting though.

I went inside to order a coffee so that maybe I'll get my appetite back after a sip of it. After ordering my favorite Coffee which is Creamy White, I went outside the Café and noticed the Chief talking to someone from my left.

After checking who he was talking to, my eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing.. Chief Joseph... Is scolding.. Ms. Amelia Watson.

'I-Is this real..?', I thought to myself.

But I couldn't possibly be seeing an illusion or a look-a-like, it's definitely them!

As I went to get closer to gossip on what they were talking about, Ms. Watson suddenly ran out from their conversation. And the Chief just sighed after she ran off.

'What in the hell were they talking about..?', I thought to myself.

The Chief was about to turn around my way, but I immediately looked away and pretended to be on a phone call with someone. And he just passed me by, it seems like he didn't know I was there..

"What is going on...?", I asked myself after witnessing such an event.

I came back to my office after witnessing what just happened, but upon arrival, I didn't see Ms. Watson on her table..

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