I settled into the passenger seat, nearly crushing Lisa's pirate hat beneath me. At the last moment, I paused and pulled it out from under me. With the hat on my lap, I gazed over at Lisa. Now that she was distracted by starting the car, I could look at her without being observed.

High boots covered Lisa's legs up to the knees. The grip of an antique pistol stuck out of the crimson sash tied at her hips. A broad belt with a brass buckle was strapped diagonally over a billowy white shirt that accented Lisa's tan and showed off a hint of cleavage.

I directed my gaze upward. A red bandana covered Lisa's hair. From her left ear, one large golden earring dangled almost to her shoulder. Captain Sparrow makeup emphasized her long eyelashes, and she had drawn a mass of black dots on her chin and upper lip with something like an eyeliner pencil to give herself a fake goatee.

At a red light, Lisa glanced over and caught me looking. I quickly thought of something to say.

"No saber?" I asked.

Lisa's fake goatee moved as she smiled. "You think I'm going to need it to drive away a bunch of admirers if they want to get fresh with you?"

"What? No!" I replied.

Lisa grinned. "It's in the trunk with my eye patch. Wearing a saber or an eye patch while driving a car is a bit impractical."

"Too bad no one invented a transporter yet," I said. "Then we wouldn't need cars anymore."

"As long as no one puts me out of a job by inventing a replicator and fake wine." Lisa turned left at the next corner and glanced over at me for a moment. "How's your finger?"

I wrapped my hand around the finger in question. "Fine. It was just a little nick—no pirate's hook needed." I had to admit that Lisa's concern felt good.

"Not that you wouldn't look good in a pirate's costume, but I like you better with all your limbs attached." she joked.

"Yeah, me too." I didn't react to the comment about me looking good in a pirate's costume. Lisa was the ultimate flirt and probably complimented every woman she met without it meaning anything.

Lisa stopped the car in front of a house at the edge of town. After we got out of the car, Lisa opened the trunk, attached the saber to her sash, and put on the eye patch. With her one remaining eye, she winked at me.

"Should we have a safe word?"

I stared at her. Safe word?

"Don't look at me like that." Lisa chuckled. "You could use it to signal me when you've had enough of the party and want to leave."

"Oh. How about 'Beam me up, Scotty'?"

Laughter exploded from Lisa. "Deal."

Side by side, we walked to the house, and Lisa rested her hand on the small of my back for a moment. A skull with eerily glowing eyes greeted us at the front door.

"My friend Nikki likes to go all out for her parties." Lisa said as she rang the doorbell.

The door opened to reveal a brown-haired woman wearing only lingerie and a set of bunny ears.

"Hey, you made it!" Her ample breasts nearly spilled over her corset as she hugged Lisa.

I watched with raised eyebrows. That's Lisa's friend?

Lisa pulled back. "What are you supposed to be?"

"Can't you see?" The woman pointed at her costume—or lack thereof— and shook her head to wiggle her bunny ears. "I'm a Playboy bunny."

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