Part 10

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After one last glance to make sure the flowers still looked good, I rang Jennie's doorbell and looked at my watch

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After one last glance to make sure the flowers still looked
good, I rang Jennie's doorbell and looked at my watch.

Already half past five.

Driving to the next town to get Jennie's birthday present had taken up more time than I had expected. By now, Jennie was probably out, celebrating her birthday.

To my surprise, the door opened immediately.

Jennie stood in front of me, dressed in a burgundy blouse and elegant pants that emphasized her legs.

I had to swallow before I could speak. "Uh, hello, Jennie. Happy birthday." I held out the bouquet of apricot-colored roses.

"Oh. Thank you." Jennie took the flowers and stared at me as if she didn't know what to do with me or the flowers. "How do you know it's my birthday today?"

"Uh." I didn't want to lie to her, but I also didn't want to tell her about Jin's last-minute birthday present. "Jin mentioned it when I last talked to him."

At the mention of Jin, a shadow flickered across Jennie's face, but she said nothing. For a few seconds, we stood facing each other in the doorway, then Jennie said, "I have to leave in half an hour, but would you like to come in for a minute?"

"If I'm not disturbing you and your guests."

"No. I'm alone, so come on in."

Alone? I followed Jennie into the house. Wasn't Jin here to give Jennie the wine? And where were her parents and friends? Would Jennie meet them for dinner?

"Please have a seat while I find a vase for these," Jennie said, indicating the roses.

When I stepped into the living room, the dog was standing, leaning on the coffee table, inspecting the gift basket with the Cabernet, which Jennie or Jin had placed there.

"You better get down before Jennie catches you," I said and set him on the floor.

"Did you say something?" Jennie called from the kitchen.

"Uh, no, just talking to Kuma." I scratched him behind one ear and whispered, "I've got your back, buddy."

I took a seat on the couch and allowed Kuma to sniff my pant legs that probably smelled like cat. While I waited, I looked around the living room. A pile of paperback novels rested on top of neatly folded wrapping paper. A card stuck out from the book on top.

"Can I get you something to drink while I'm in the kitchen?" Jennie called.

"Just water. Thanks."

After a minute, Jennie entered the living room, carrying a glass of water and the bouquet, which she had placed in a glass pitcher.

"The only vase I owned fell victim to Kuma." She shook her head at the dog. "What did I tell you about jumping on the coffee table, hmm?"

The dog strode away with an expression of total innocence on his face.

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