"I'm not hers," I said. "She's straight."

Seulgi groaned. "Oh, man. That college buddy set you up with a straight woman?"

"Worse. She's his sister."

Seulgi nearly spewed beer all over the table. "What?"

I nodded. "Yeah. But don't worry, we'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget."

"Good." Seulgi patted my shoulder. "Don't let that asshole stop you from going out and meeting people. You're coming to Nikki's Halloween party tomorrow, right?"

I swirled around the wine in my glass. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Oh, come on." Seulgi set down her beer bottle with a resounding thump. "Why not? You never missed a party in the past."

"Yeah, but that's the past. Nowadays, I'm not much of a party girl. I'm ready to settle down."

A gentle smile spread over Seulgi's face. "That's great. Irene and I want that for you. But how are you supposed to meet someone to settle down with if you don't go out and meet women?"

I quirked an eyebrow. "And you think Nikki's party is a good place to do that? Don't you remember what happened last year?"

"That was last year. She's over you by now. She won't make a scene if you flirt with another woman."

I wasn't so sure. Sometimes, I saw the pain and the longing in Nikki's eyes, and it made me feel too guilty to relax around Nikki.

"Her restaurant is one of your best customers, so you can't avoid her forever," she said. "Besides, didn't you read the handbook? As a lesbian, you're obligated to stay friends with all your exes."

"I stayed friends with Irene." I said, knowing what reaction that would get me.

Seulgi huffed. "You never dated Irene."

"Sure I did. She was practically my first love." I smirked.

Scowling, Seulgi picked up my glass and sniffed. "Something in that wine is making you delusional. You were in kindergarten!"

"Okay, okay." I stopped grinning. "Nikki's a great woman, and I want to stay friends with her."

I remembered all the good times we had shared when we had first become lovers—taking dance classes, hosting Nikki's famous costume parties, cooking together and ending up making love on the kitchen floor.

"But every time I'm friendly toward her, I'm afraid I'm sending mixed signals." I added.

"Then bring a date to the party," Seulgi said. "You haven't been with anyone else since the two of you broke up a year ago, so of course Nikki thinks you're not over her."


I had never thought about it that way, but maybe she was right. Was there anyone I could ask to go to the party with me without leading her on? Jennie. Maybe I could ask her. She needs to get out more and have some fun, and we could use more time together to get more comfortable with each other.

"Maybe you're right."

"So you'll come?"

I hesitated, then nodded. "I'll come."

"Great." Seulgi finished her beer and got up. "Time to pick up Irene." She pulled me into another hug.

"Say hi to my first love for me, will you?" I laughed.

Seulgi smacked me on the back of the head and let go before I could retaliate.

"I will. See you tomorrow at Nikki's."

I closed my book without putting in a bookmark and scowled at the cover

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I closed my book without putting in a bookmark and scowled at the cover. Is it just me, or is this book more boring than watching grass grow?

I remembered that Lisa had used the same phrase to describe some of her dates with women. I wonder what she's doing on a Friday night. She's probably out, having fun.

The thought filled me with a sudden longing.

I dropped the book on the coffee table, jumped up, and prowled the living room, searching for something to do. What's up with you? Normally, I was content staying home. I had learned early on in my life to entertain myself, but tonight, a strange restlessness filled me.

For a few moments, I considered driving to the office and working for an hour or two, but then I shook my head. Working all the time wasn't the answer. The pile of unfolded laundry didn't look inviting either.

I reached for the phone and stared at its display. Should I call someone? Maybe someone from the book club? But Jisoo had mentioned plans with her boyfriend, and Nayeon and Mina had children and couldn't just meet me for coffee or dinner at the spur of a moment.


I tapped the phone against my forehead. Are you crazy? He and his friends will drag you to a bar, where you'll stare into your virgin piña colada all night and wish you were home, folding laundry.

The thought made me pause. Was that one of the negative assumptions about myself that Lisa had mentioned?


I glanced at the gift certificate for the vegetarian restaurant that was still lying on my coffee table. Maybe if Lisa wasn't out after all, we could check out the restaurant and talk about our revenge plan tonight. I scrolled through the contact list on my phone until I got to Lisa's name. My finger lingered over the call button.

After hesitating for a full minute, I pressed the button.

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