Chapter 34: "I love you."

Start from the beginning

He hugs me close to him and buries his head in my head as I wrap my arms around him. "Mhm, you smell good," he mumbles and I smile, snuggling my face in his shoulder. "Yeah?" I ask and he nods, shaking the both of us, "Yep, like, vanilla?" he questions and my smile widens.

"Like vanilla," I confirm. Just then Ace comes on top of us, wanting to be part of our cuddling and Austin chuckles. He removes one arm from around me, "Join in buddy," he says as Ace comes in between us, separating us slightly.

Austin's one hand is in Ace's fur while the other is running through my hair as he stares into my eyes, "Your beautiful," he whispers and I blush.

"Thank you," I mumble and he smiles. His hand runs down my hair to my arm before he lifts my hand up and brings it towards him, kissing the back of it. "I lov-" he starts only to stop and shake his head as he drops my hand, his thumb rubbing circles to the back of it.

"I like you so much," he says and I bite my lip.

"I like you so much too," I whisper and as we both are falling asleep in each other's arms, only then do I realise the words that almost slipped from Austin's lips.

I love you.


A few days have passed since my dad got arrested and now December is here. At home, everything has mostly been pretty normal and Ryan had to leave just a few days back for college again.

Bryan is over more often and I think that's one thing keeping my mom genuinely happy and at ease, just being around him. Jayden and Paris also went on a date yesterday. When we told Paris everything, she was surprised to say at least which was understandable and then Jayden and Paris talked I suppose and then worked it out; and well day before yesterday Paris asked Jay out.

Well, they both asked each other out. They kind of just blurted it out at the same time at lunch while staring at each other and then cracked a smile, before again saying 'yes' at the same time, causing the whole table to laugh and crack a smile. Jay told me they went to a movie and then had dinner at a small diner. Both of them seemed to have a good time from what they told me and I'm happy for them.

"Shorty!" I hear someone yell and I turn back and see Austin and Zac rushing through the hallway, pushing past people as they try to approach me. I smile a little as I watch my boyfriend and his best friend run and stop in front of me.

Zac leans down, placing his hand on his knee as he breaths heavily. "Fucking hell, that was a workout," he mumbles and I laugh slightly before my eyes go up to Austin. "Why in the world were you running like a psycho?" I ask and he rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless.

He places his arm around my shoulder and we start walking step in step, with Zac following us. "So, we have a game tonight," he starts and I nod, "I know, Jay told me," I say and he nods. "I'm hoping to see you there, wearing my jersey," he mumbles the last part and I smile. "Duh," I say and he kisses the top of my head.

"Good, I will need my good luck charm," he says smugly and I blush, "Shut up, you already have enough luck. You win almost every game," I say and he smiles. "It's never too wrong to have extra luck," he says.

"Ugh, can y'all stop with the cheesy shit and get to what we actually are here for?" Zac groans and Austin rolls his eyes. "Anyway, so Zac here has a crush," Austin starts and my eyebrows raise up. "Say what now?" I ask.

Zac, Zac O'Brien, number one player whose motto is hump and dump and feelings doesn't seem to be in his vocabulary has a crush?!

"I don't have a crush... I just find her... attractive," he mumbles and Austin scoffs. "That's what I said about Indy too and look where I am now," Austin says and Zac rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, pussy whipped, we know," he says and I laugh slightly.

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