Chapter 93- Stage 5: Acceptance

Start from the beginning


The whole experience so far was weird for you.

You thought you would be more emotional about all of this but if anything, you were eager to start training and introduce Katsuki to Dao and the Oracle. Most of the blades left in the armory weren't necessarily in the best condition, but you found one that used to be cared for by your neighbor, Tanaka. He was a nice guy and often gave out small candies he made from honey in the summer, but that was ages ago.

Sure enough, after Enji was able to come to terms with what his choices caused for you, the elder hero stuck to your side like glue. He felt like he owed you. Not only for all of this...but for even after learning about his past and who Touya still treated him with love and respect. Not even his own children felt that way about him and he finally had someone in his life that cared if he didn't make it home. So...he would use his life as a means to give back to give back to give back to his family. 

"Young (y/n) good to see you again. We've been expecting you," Dao spoke with a light smile as he bowed in his traditional monk robes with a thick fur coat draped over his shoulders. You remembered these coats...your mom and dad went on a hunt with a few others when you were little to gather furs in preparation for the winter and gifted many to the monks who did not believe in killing the creatures themselves. It was a great sign of respect for their wisdom...and even now, years later, they clearly cherished the gift that the villagers gave them.

You bowed back at Dao, Katsuki shuffling on his feet next to Endeavor who did the same. They had no idea what the customs were here and as Katsuki looked around, he couldn't even tell what fucking religion this temple even was. Buddist, Shinto, Taoist...he was able to see symbols, draperies, and incense that marked multiple different ceremonial practices. 

"What the hell is this place?" Katsuki blurted out without any sort of filter. You shot him a dirty look but Endeavor was actually grateful Katsuki said something. He didn't know what it was either. 

"It's our temple here in the Shini Mountains. We train and master the ways of chi here. I see you're confused about our practices. Not to worry. We study all walks of life and what makes energy flow from one body into the next. I believe you will learn much here, Young Bakugo, and I am looking forward to your growth." Dao gave Katsuki a pleasant smile, leaving the teen unsure how he should feel about the situation. The idea of learning something that could get him closer to you was exciting, but something just felt off about everything.

Shini meant death for a reason...and he knew that you could feel that unease too. 

"Ahh so she has arrived? I am so glad you have arrived with your companions Young (y/n). Enji and Young all have so much to learn. You especially, Enji." The Oracle's aging voice was just loud enough to hear in the main room, his voice carrying through the stone hall. It was absolutely freezing, but there were two cauldrons filled with flames that kept the place warm in a small area. Enji was completely unphased, of course, but you and Katsuki clung to each other for warmth.

"C'mere..." he murmured in your ear as he pulled you in close to his warm body. "I'll keep you warm." His touch warmed your body all through your heart and his scent swirled around you like a comforting, yet gentle, breeze. You never grew tired of the sweet was addicting in the best of ways.

"Thanks, Kacchan...forgot how cold the winters were for a bit," you sheepishly smiled at him. He looked at you with soft eyes, feeling a wave of affection hit his stomach. It was easy for him to forget how soft you were sometimes considering how strong you seemed to be. Moments like this where he could hold you in his arms and have you look to him for help made him feel your life was better off with him with you.

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