Edge of the Universe

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Kenos POV

As I stepped through the portal to my home, I turned and watched as the others looked around with interest. "Welcome to the first level of the Void," I said as everyone turned their attention towards me.

Percy was like a child 'oohs and ahhs' made up most of the words he was saying. Kratos was silent and looking at Percy, almost as if he knew him very well but still couldn't figure him out. Luke on the other hand was just silent and looking around, albeit a little wary and uneasy, with what seemed to be a hint of recognition.

"I've been here before," Luke whispered seemingly distraught that he couldn't quite place the uneasy feeling he was getting. "When Kronos left my body I got a glimpse of this place, it's where the faded go."

I looked at him and smiled reassuringly to try and ease him, "yes and no. This is the first level, the Kingdom of Khaos. This is the birthplace of the primordials and where their council was held before the birth of the Titans." I glanced at Percy as he was still looking around in wonder. "The second level is the actual Void, where primordials and any immortal under them go when they have faded from power and existence." I paused to snap my fingers in front of Percy to get his attention.

"Sorry," he stated sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head as if he were a child that was caught doing something bad. "I get quite distracted because of my-."

"-Adhd," I cut him off. "It'll go away after you get the rest of your power. Anyway," I turned back to Luke and Kratos, "then there's the third level, it's kind of like the Tartarus of the Void, that's where all of the truly evil immortals go after they fade." Kratos nodded like he knew this. Luke had a questioning look on his face.

"So...where's Kronos," Luke asked, almost afraid of the answer. I looked him dead in his eyes and said, "third level of course." After that he seemed to relax quite a bit.

"Now enough of that," I said clapping my hands together to make sure everyone was alert to me. "Let's go to the throne room, we have a lot to do. Focus on appearing and reappearing, breaking down the molecules in your body and transporting them somewhere else to reform. Try to call on that hidden power inside of you, it should guide you on its own."

I instantly appeared in the throne room where there sat 7 empty seats. As I waited a few seconds went by before Percy appeared in the room a little perplexed at what he had done, and sure enough Kratos and Luke appeared simultaneously right after.

I gestured with my hands at the thrones, "brothers, these are our thrones." Percy rolled his eyes as if he were saying no shit Sherlock. "However we cannot take them until we have all 7 of us." Percy's eyes squinted a bit.

"I thought there were more than 7 of the First Race, why would only 7 move on?" That was a very good question, and one I actually knew the answer to. "Well," I started, "Chronos and Ananke are a special case, the First Race did some type of ritual that ensure that they would never be tampered with as they were the most sure powers of the multiverse. It was made so that they would never fade and never grow out of power. After all Time and Destiny rule over all beings outside of Primordial power."

Percy nodded, "but the other 7, if they're supposed to be all powerful and whatnot, then how come they need successors? Why would they?"

I looked at him shocked then quickly snapped out of my stupor. The son of Poseidon isn't dumb after all. "Khaos doesn't know, he told me that it was written in scrolls he found not long after he and the others popped into existence. 'Seven shall have to move on, leaving the next generation to pave the rest of the universe.' All anyone knows is that's what was meant to be. So the other 7 have no choice in the matter. Although a few didn't like it."

Kratos looked at me, "and that lead to war, something I'm all too familiar with." I nodded my head and began to walk towards the doors of the throne room. "Yes, that is exactly what happened."

Percy POV

The only thing I'm interested in is this place. As much as it hurt to think about the architecture and other ways the place stuck out to me because of Annabeth, I couldn't help but be struck with wonder. Everything was chromed out and it looked like a bustling Ancient Greek city. Pillars were made of what could only be obsidian while the buildings were made up of various materials. The palace however was what interested me. It was made of every metal used in the weapons of Ancient Greece and Rome. It had an almost shadowy shine to it, as it seemed to both reflect and absorb light. Speaking of light there was 2 suns, what the fu-.

I snapped out of my stupor to see Kenos and the others walking out of the throne room. I sped up to catch up to them, acting as if I were there the entire time.

Suddenly there was a wave of what felt like something pulling me towards something that wasn't seen with the naked eye, it was a warm feeling but there was a sinister intent behind it as well. Kenos looked a little confused and his eyes seemed glazed over as he seemed to be searching for something without looking.

"The power of the black holes." Kratos looked at Kenos while Luke was curiously staring at me. "Mavros' successor has been chosen, from one of the main universes. We must go to Universe S."

Kenos pointed at the center of the corridor we were in and another portal appeared. "After you," he said to me taking me by surprise. I glanced at him then at the portal, and slowly drew riptide. Let's do this then. With that final thought I stepped through.

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