17|Too Close

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"Hey, Lobster!" Cassie yelled from across the hallway. She could basically feel Les' chest tighten at the horrible nickname.

As usual, the four-eyed boy has been ignoring Cas. He believes its easier than actually having to hear her say that she likes Dwayne.

But if he wasnt so stubborn, he would figure out those words wont come out of her mouth anytime soon.

Anyways, he timidly stops talking to Luis and slightly turns his head to look at the girl over his shoulder. Once his eyes find her desperate face, he screws his eyes shut for a second but quickly opens them and moves to the side of the hallway to wait for Cassie to catch up to him, telling Luis he would talk to him later.

Cassie smiled with success at finally getting Les' attention, seeing as shes been trying to talk to him for, like, 2 weeks.

She quickly walked over to him, squeezing past the sweaty teenagers walking through the halls.

As soon as Cassie gets over to him, he mumbles a, "I thought i told you to not call me that." while struggling to not make eye contact with the beautiful but intimidating girl.

"Eh, i remember agreeing it was the best nickname ever." Cassie replied quickly, ready to get to the point. "Anyways, Lobster, can we please talk?" Before Les' could answer, though, Cassie grabbed his hand and dragged him to her shared dorm with Connie. She knew Connie wouldnt be there, as she is currently helping Julie get ready for a date. Les rolled his eyes at the nickname and reluctantly followed after Cassie without much choice in the matter.

"Oh, stop groaning and moaning, you big baby! You're the one who hasnt been talking to me." Cassie responded to Lesters whining as she dragged him around the halls. Les only replying with a simple "hmph." , though tried to keep a straight face at hearing the word "moaning".

So immature.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

After a bit of silence, Cassie decided to punch the boy on his shoulder, just to get some sort of reaction from him, hopefully starting a conversation.

"Ow, you have a bony fist!" Les' hand shot up to his shoulder as he made a pained face.

"Then give me an explanation and i wont knock you out with my bony fist." Replied Cassie, totally serious. She was really tired of the way her bestfriend was acting recently.

"An explanation for what!" He knew what explanation she wanted, but he was too stubborn to want to talk about it, therefor, he decides playing dumb is the best option.

"For why you keep ignoring me, wont look at me, wont want to be in the same room as me, for the annoying glares you send towards me and Dwayne an-!"

Cassie stops rambling.

"Oh ok.."

"What?" Les asked. He knows, and he knows whats going through her mind right now. But if she actually gets a chance to ask him, she'll be too close. Too close at finding out he has a crush on her and too close to the point of rejecting him not-so subtly. Too close.

And thats why the boy ultimately decides to not give her a chance to ask. And thats why he quickly jumps off of Cassie's bed from his spot next to her and walks out of the room, not giving the confused and shocked girl any time to question anything further.

Oh ok..

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
584 words
I guess im backkkk:]]

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