18|Deny, Deny, Deny.

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Honestly, it was weird for Cassie to imagine Lester Averman having a crush on her. Why? Shes just a grumpy, stubborn, sarcastic teenager who will punch anyone who makes noises while eating. Nothing there to like or find attractive. At least, thats only from Cassies perspective of herself.

But if you ask for Les' perspective, he'll prepare a list just of the cute little things she does without noticing. From her scrunching her nose when she sees an annoying kid to how she laughs at Luis and Jesse when they mock a teachers voice. He notices the things she thinks no one will notice, yet he's the one with a list.

See, weird! Why would he notice things about her. Why not notice things about a cheerleader or the green eyed girl, Jade, in Cassie's art class that she totally wasnt jealous of. Why not them, why her?

Then there's the other thoughts racing through her mind. Why was he jealous of her and Dwayne. There's nothing there. Sure, they have been hanging around a lot, but he has a girlfriend! And besides, yeehaws are not her type.

So with these thoughts, she decides to ask the know it all Captian about it. He has to know something!

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

"Ok but, why are you so worried about it?" Charlie finally said after going over everything that blurted out of Cassie's mouth.

"Because! How could he like me? Why me? Why was he jealous of me and Dwayne? Does he think we are dating? Why would he think that? You know, so many questions. And it worries me because if he likes me so much why hasnt he said anything, and if he did say anything, what would i say? I mean!" The girl ranted, once again blurting out all of her thoughts.

"One, you overthink. Stop doing that. Two, you're worried because you like him. Dont stop doing that." Charlie answered smartly. The response caused Cassie to choke on her spit and gawk at the boy with wide eyes.

"Yeah, no." Turning away, Cassie then decided going to Charlie was no help and a really bad idea. So much for knowing something. Who is he to decide Cassie's feelings? So controlling, am i right ladies! Yeah stop talking to a fake audience, Cas.

Charlie just let her walk away with and amused smile. She'll figure it out eventually.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
449 words
Its almost been a month since I've updated! Im so sorry, i just havent had the energy recently. But i felt i should update, to get back into the swing of things and get a weight off of my chest. Hope this holds yall up for a bit!

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