7|Maybe Not..?

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Its happeningggg! *smirking emoji*

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Its safe to say after Connie told The Ducks (minus Les) about the plan, they did NOT expect it to actually work. I mean, they've hated eachother for sooo long. How could that change in literally one day-? So yes, confusion was, very much, in the air when everyone met up at the park the day after the plan commenced and Cassie laughed at one of Averman's jokes.

Usually she would say a smart comment at his joke and they would start the bickering, but people change?

After a whole week of no bickering, Cassie and Averman actually, i mean actually, hung out-. When i say hang out, i mean that they went to the park with Connie and Guy, but they were 3rd wheeling, so the only solution was to talk to eachother.

And they didnt mind that solution..

After about two weeks of them making conversation more and more, they realized they had a similar personality and probably would have gotten along before if they didnt always fight. I mean, they still fought over little things, but it was quite rare.

The others were very surprised with the outcome of Connie and Fultons plan. Even more surprised when they realized they didnt even need Mr. Peace-Maker so far.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

"Hey, we were gonna go play some street-hockey! Do you wanna come watch, maybe play a little?" Connie asked Cassie over the phone, refering to The Ducks. "Why do you guys play hockey so early?" Cassie groaned, thinking about having to change out of her PJ's. "Its not even that ear-! Whatever. You coming or not?" Connie repeated her question.

"Uhhh, yeah sure."

"Great, ill be at your house in, like, 10 minutes!"

"I- okay."

Once Cassie hung up, she rushed up stairs to her room. She decided to wear a black tank top tucked into high-wasted, denim, shorts. Nothing fancy.

Around 8 minutes later, Connie picked Cassie up and they walked to the Basket-ball court they were meeting at.

It was amusing watching them play. Hearing Goldbergs usual complaining, Russ' bragging, Charlies bossing around, Avermans jokes, Adam and Connies playful bickering, and Guys and Jesses attempts at tripping Russ. It was definitely more entertaining than trying to figure out what to draw. Russ and Les even tried to get Cassie to play hockey with them, but their pleading and puppy dog eyes werent convincing enough.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Later that day Connie, Guy, Adam, and Lester all went over to Cassies house because they wanted to see her drawings. She spent a lot of time working on them and was very proud of how they turned out. So showing them to people made her really excited.

Eventually everyone left except Les, because he had an idea.

Before he could talk to Cassie about his plan, she suddenly remembered something.

"OH i forgot! So in the beginning of summer i wanted to try a new art style, as a project. And i didnt really know what to draw until i thought about you. I know that sounds weird, but i was thinking of you always pranking me and stuff and then i started kinda picturing you as a 'cartoon character' thing. Idk. But anyways, i wanted to show you the finished drawing!" Cassie ranted as she looked for her drawing.

"I inspired you? You drew me?" Les asked with a smirk and amused look on his face, as he leaned on her bed frame.

"Dont get cocky, Averman

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"Dont get cocky, Averman." Cassie responded with an eye-roll as she turned around and handed him the drawing. "Its also kind of based off of the Joker, too."

"Wow, this is actually really cool! Its different but i like it. The glasses are on point, is this why i always catch you staring at me?" Les said with a wide grin.

"I dont stare-! Theres not much too look at, anyways." Cas responded with a playful scoff and an eye-roll.

"Why do you always roll your eyes at me?"

"Because your eye-roll worthy."

"That didnt even-"

"Shut up."


~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Thirty minutes later, after some talking and playful bickering, Les remembered the idea he wanted to talk to Cassie with.

"Oh, so i heard that Connie, Guy, and Fulton planned to get us to be friends. Just thought you should know." Les informed Cassie on what he had heard from spying on Jesse and Charlie talking about their plan to get Cassie and Les to be friends.

"Where did you here this from-?"

"I have my sources. Anyways, i had an idea for a prank." Les interrupted.

"Go on..!" Cassie said, intrigued.

"Ok, i was thinking we could make them think their plan didnt work, instead of us being friendly, we could go back to fighting(its all apart of the prank of course). But the fighting is way worse than it was before their plan."

"So basically we crash their plan?"


"Im in!" They smirked at eachother, excited for this fun prank.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

882 words*
Im so excited for this! I finally found some good ideas for chapters and the book over-all.

I hope yall enjoyed this chapter!

(Also i know the drawing is weird and different, but thats the point! And i did actually draw it!)


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