13|Run Boy Run

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Ello there jdjsjs. Sooo, i came up with a ship name for Cas and Les!!

🌌Caster🌌!!   Lmk what you think of it.

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"No, no, no. I dont run, Averman!" Cassie whisper-yelled as said boy dragged her away from the scene. Jesse, Charlie, and Julie following them, running through the hallway.

"We literally just sprayed fart-spray into the Head-Cheerleader's dorm! You have to run Cas!" Julie responded with a whisper-yell, ushering Cassie to pick up her pace. Jesse snorted at Julie and Cassie, earning a glare from Julie as she looked at him over her shoulder.

It was everyone's first night back at Eden Hall. Jesse, Charlie and Lester decided to start their school year off with a prank, Julie and Cassie joining. The latter only joining due to a certain someone begging her to come with them.

Charlie wanted to prank the Cheerleaders, but they couldnt target them all at the same time so they all decided to target the Head-Cheerleader. Julie came up with the fart-spray. It wasnt the best idea but the others couldnt come up with anything better at the time. So that evening, they snuck over to the Cheerleader's dorm and went on with the prank.

"Guys, theres a teacher.." Les and Cassie skidded to a stop, scooting back a little to hide, stopping the others behind them.

"What!?" Questioned Jesse. They all poked their heads out of the corner and saw one of the teachers making their way down the hall.

"What do we do?" Julie also questioned.

"Umm, okay. Charlie and Julie, go that way. Then Jesse, Cas and i will go the other way." Les instructed quickly. Though Julie was quick to object, wanting to go with Jesse and Charlie.

"Fine go with them. Okay see you guys in a bit!" Les stated, grabbing Cassie's hand and dragging her with him as soon as he ended his sentence. Jesse, Charlie, and Julie running off the other way.

After running around for a bit, they got lost but eventually heard a voice. Assuming it was their friends, they ran into the direction they heard the voices.

They quickly stopped a few feet away from the voice. They had a good reason to stop all of the sudden. The person standing infront of them was, in-fact, not their friends. It was the same teacher they had almost ran into earlier.

Ooo... Busted!

Les and Cassie shared a scared glance at eachother knowing they couldnt run away, the teacher  already saw them.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

The teacher ended up giving them a warning, luckily they didnt get a detention.

Later on, when they eventually got back to Jesse and Charlie's dorm, they told everyone why they took so long.

"Oh damn!"

"Awe, good going, Averman!"

"At least it was a warning!"

Julie, Jesse, and Charlie commented. Cassie was quick to defend Les on Jesse's comment.

"Hey, i wasnt his fault we got caught. We both thought it was you guys! Dont just blame him." Les smiled at her defensive response. It made him happy that he had someone that was there for him and never told him to shut up after he tells a stupid joke.

This did not help him with his evident crush on Cassie. At all.

In one part of his mind, it felt nice to have someone that makes you feel things that others dont. But the other part was scared, telling him to run before he gets hurt.

Run boy run!

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604 words*
How do we feel? I personally love this chapter! But next chapter... 😏

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