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Yall have no idea how excited i am for these next chapters!!

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

To say that Cassie was pissed was an understatement.

You'd be pissed too if a certain red-head made it his main goal to drown you in the wave pool the whole day at the waterpark!

"AVERMAN!! IF YOU TRY TO DUNK MY HEAD UNDERWATER ONE MORE TIME I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT WITH AN ICE SKATE!!" Cassie yelled, turning toward Avermans direction in the pool. A few people looked at her like she was crazy, but she didnt notice nor care. She was too busy giving Averman a death glare.

"Its not my fault! Uh- Jesse pushed me! You were just... in the way!!" Averman responded as he quickly got out of the wave pool.

"HEY HEY HEY! DONT BRING ME INTO THIS-" Jesse yelled at Averman's running figure.

As Cassie got out to follow him, a Lifegaurd told Averman to stop running. And... he did. When he stopped, he slipped on water and fell.

"HAHA, Karma's a bitch, isnt it?" Cassie laughed at him as he groaned and sat up.

"Shut up, idiot." Averman respoded as Goldberg helped him up.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

"Cant you just split the coke?" Guy tried to reason as Averman and Cassie fought over who should have the last soda.

"No, she'll back-wash." Averman said, trying to grab the Coke from Cassie.

Cassie moved it away from him as she scoffed. "Excuse you-?"

"You're excused."

"What a gReAt come-back, dude. Really! The best one yet." Cassie rolled her eyes with an unimpressed face.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

After the waterpark, Connie and Cassie went to Con's house to change and hang out for a little.

"Do you and Les really need to fight over every little thing, Cas?" Connie asked as she grabbed some shorts and a T-shirt.

"He tries to annoy me with every little thing he does so, yes." Cassie answered, heading to the bathroom with a change of clothes.

When she came back, no longer in her bathing suit, she knew Connie wasnt gonna bother to continue the conversation. They both knew Cassie wasnt gonna listen to what Con had to say, and if she did, it just wouldnt work out.

Unless.. it could work out?

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Later that night, when Connie and Fulton were hanging out, Con just couldnt stop thinking of ways to make it work out.

Everyone was tired of Les' and Cassie's bickering, it was time someone did something.

And thats why Connie decided to make a plan with Fulton.

A plan to get them to stop fighting and maybe, just maybe, they could be friends.

The plan includes Connie convincing Cassie to not take Lesters jokes personally and joke back, Fulton convincing Les to use nicer jokes that wont start a fight and not target Cassie so much. Oh and if a fight does happen, then they bring Guy into the plan, because Guy is the peace-maker in the group.

And lord knows they will need Guy.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

516 words*
Will the plan work? Maybe..?

Guess you gotta wait for part 2!


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