14|Completely Oblivious

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Ever since Cassie entered Eden Hall, she had been meaning to talk to Dwayne about the letter, but she got caught up in-between helping Les with pranks, getting settled into the school dorms and trying to not get lost when finding her classes. She just couldnt find the right time to get a hold of him.

Until around two weeks into school.

It was the first hockey practice of the season, and lucky for Cassie, Les wanted her to watch them practice.

Cassie saw this as the perfect opportunity to talk to Dwayne. She planned to wait till he came out of the locker-room and talk to him after practice.

And with that plan in mind, Cassie impatiently waited till her last class of the day was over to race over to the practice.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Les' smile brightened when he saw Cassie hurriedly sit at the bleachers, her eyes scanning the ice for someone. Her eyes barely met the red-heads before she looked beside him and smiled. Les looked to his left and saw a certain Cowboy. His smile wavered a little.

For Cassie, she was releaved to see Dwayne. After reading the letter a few times, she couldnt wait to speak with Dwayne.

For Dwayne, he was anxious. He really needed to talk to Cassie. What he wrote in the letter was, in the mind of a lovestruck teenager, veryyyy important.

For Les, he was confused. Cassie barely cheered him on during practice like she usually would, let alone spared him a single glance. Why was Cassie all of the sudden hooked up on Dwayne. As far as he knew, they havent spoken once during summer and the start of school.

Completely oblivious, Cassie hadnt noticed Les' desperate glances at her or the times he tried to show off to get her attention. Once again, she was too caught up on thinking of what she'd say to Dwayne.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
349 words*
I kinda want this to be longer but 1.this is just a filler chapter.
2.i want to keep yall confused.
3.im lazy.

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