eleven - happy ending

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I quietly tiptoed into the apartment careful not to make any noise when the kitchen light turned on and I saw him staring right at me.

"Where have you been?" The light shines on Dalton's face as I see him drinking vodka. A whole bottle empty besides him.

I panicked for a moment before I took a deep breath and told him him first thing that came to mind.

"No offense but that's none of your business, you've lost the privilege to know my whereabouts." I tell him as i start to walk upstairs to the bedroom.

"Ariana wait-" he starts to chase me upstairs and we both enter the room at the same time. "I'm sorry pls just—"

"What? Forgive you? I already did that Dalton, but right now I'm tired and I can't talk I just want to sleep." I yawn and slump on the bed, Dalton soon joins, I turn to face him.

"So you forgive me?" Hope evident in his eyes

"Yes Dalton I do." I reply

He leans in for a kiss "can i?" I don't reply I just kiss him

I withdraw after a few seconds and face the other side quickly "Goodnight." I tell him

"Goodnight baby, and thank you." He responds

I couldn't help but feel guilty for what happened earlier this evening. Me kissing Malcolm. How am i going to tell him that I cheated on him with someone that's supposed to be dead. I take a deep breath and close my eyes slowly drifting away before I finally fall asleep.


I wake up by the sound of my alarm that was set to remind me to go to the studio this morning, I grudgingly stand up from the bed and head over to kitchen and get a glass of water and aspirin before heading back to the bedroom.

When I enter I see Dalton already leaning on the headboard.

"Good morning." I hand him the aspirin and water

He looks up at me in appreciation "Thank you babe." I nod

"We need to talk." I say seriously, sitting back on the bed I look at him.

"O-okay.... Is everything okay?" He looked scared

"I can't do this anymore." I stare at him

"W-what? What do you mean? I don't understand." He frowns

"I'm filling for a divorce." He doesn't say a word, he just looks at me without blinking, I thought something was wrong with his eyes before he finally blinked and looks away.

"Don't pls."

"It's not working out." I shake my head

He stands up and kneels on the ground, I look at him in shock.

"Pls don't leave me, I know I hurt you but we can make this work, I thought you forgave me."

"I did forgive you Dalton but I don't want to hurt myself again, relationships have always been hard for me and I've been through so many heartbreaks with lots of people I dated, anytime I think I've found the right one, I get hurt and disappointed, AGAIN. pls just get up"

"No, not until you've forgiven me, I can't imagine my life without you. I love you baby, pls give me a chance, I'll be different." Tears started dripping down his face

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