two - memories

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you've reached voicemail, pls leave a mes-

"ughh" i yelled as i hanged up the phone, pacing around my room, I've been trying to call malcolm for hours, I called him 102 TIMES! it's been two days since I've been trying to reach him, at first I thought he was ignoring me but it's not like we fought or anything, but I couldn't take it anymore I was getting worried.

I decided to go to mac's mom's, Karen, apartment, I got my balenciaga bag and wore my shoes and left the house

As I was driving, I tried to think of what malcolm would have been mad at me for to the extent that he would ignore. malcom never ignores me, like never, even when we're fighting we would talk it out, but I couldn't think of a reason

I finally arrived at malcom's mom's apartment,

I knocked once

no response

I knocked the second time

still no response

When I was about to leave the door opened I turned around and saw karen, i gasped, she looked liked shit, no offense, but her silver eyes had bags under them, her whole face was red, she looked liked she had been crying.

I walked back towards where she was standing in front of the door

"hi Ms meyers, are you okay?" I asked carefully because she looked like she wanted to faint and cry all over again.

"I wish I was" she smiled

umm. . .

"what's the problem?" I asked

"nothing dear" she answered, smiling sadly again, I felt like something was wrong and she wasn't telling me something, she told me to come in and I sat on the couch in the living room and made myself comfortable, looked at her and asked her the question I've been itching to ask.

"Ms Meye-" I started off before she cut my sentence short, "I thought I told you to stop calling me that, Karen is fine, you're family and I'm not that old y'know" she scolded

I laughed

When I first met malcom she told me I should call her by her name, but I guess Ms Meyers kinda stuck with me

"I'm sorry Ms mey- karen" I apologized

"that's fine honey, so what was it you wanted to ask me" she inquired, even though I still saw that sad look in her eyes I decided to ignore it since she said she was okay.

I sighed

"I've been trying to call malcom for two days and he's been ignoring me, not sure why, I sent him multiple texts, called him a hundred and two times still no response and I'm worried about him, do you have any idea where he is?" I asked

she smiled, one that didn't reach her eyes, "you haven't heard, have you?" she replied

"heard what?" I asked puzzled

"malcom passed away 2 days ago" she answered with tears threatening to fall out

No No No

That's Impossible

She must have been playing a weird trick on me

This has to be a prank. . . but Karen wouldn't be so mean she's a sweet person

"no, you're lying, it can't be, I was with him before he started ignoring me, he was fine, okay, I don't believe you" I shouted, hoping it wasn't- no praying it wasn't true.

EchoesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora