Chapter 28 - More Bacon

Start from the beginning

"I hate you."

"You hate me because I happen to be right. And, I suspect, hear me out, you're telling yourself you need to stay with me because you're unsure about giving this, giving N, a chance. So what if you don't have what N has. So what if she tells you what to do. Is that so bad?"

"No. Yes, actually it is. What if I want to see you and she stops me?"

"You're mixing two problems again. Firstly, could you ever imagine N doing that? Secondly, I could never imagine you letting N get away with telling you to do that. You have a mouth Waverly, and a brain. Least I think you have a brain. Use them. If you need to say no to N, say it. If you need to do something and N disagrees tell her. It's called being in a relationship."

"Why can't it be as before?"

"Because it's not. This is where we are. Everyone has to deal with it. We can all wish for things to be different. I wish mama and papa were here still. I wish mama wasn't drunk all the time. I wish I had bacon every day, and this whiskey. Make the best of what comes your way. N has a good heart and quite a lot of money. Both attractive features. She wants someone to share all this with. I would be more than happy to take on the role, except for the bedroom part."

"But, what will you do without me? Won't you miss me?"

"Sorry, who are you? Of course I will. I'll miss your annoying whiny voice. I'll definitely miss you telling me to clear up. Oh, and I'll miss you sneaking my beers for N."

"It was only two."

"Four. I've lost four. I'll want compensation."

Waverly sat on Wynonna's lap, hugging her for dear life. "So, we make a go of this."

"Do you think I could get some bacon now? I'm starving."

Waverly entered the bedroom, Nicole snoring, clearly having not been able to keep awake for her return. She undressed, got into bed, turned the light off, snuggling next to her N. She would have that talk tomorrow, first thing. Well, maybe the second thing.

The familiar knock on the door told her breakfast had arrived. She hoped Wynonna had got her bacon. They would never hear the last of it if it did not appear on her plate. She retrieved the tray, taking a sip of warm tea, biting into hot buttered toast. Wynonna's motherly chat had been reassuring. She knew she had a tendency to overthink things. To make a problem out of what essentially was not a problem, depending on how you viewed it. To Wynonna's credit, she had always been like papa, a pragmatic head firmly fixed on square shoulders. She was more like mama, apart from the drinking, always thinking a problem bigger than it actually was.

Wynonna was right. If this life was being offered to her, if N wanted her, she would make the best of it. She would not, however, be told what to do. Ever. N turned over, her arm searching for Waverly. Feeling an empty space, she opened her eyes, sitting up, bringing her knees to her chest, watching Waverly hover by the tray. A look on her face that said she was in the wrong for whatever reason as yet unknown to her.

"You can't tell me what to do. You hear. If I stay, I have to do what I want, when I want. You hear."

"Dance for me."

Waverly's hands went to her hips. "No. Never. Don't you dare think because you have all this you can boss me around. Wynonna said I can say No to you whenever I like."

"I be wanting you to dance for me."

"I said No. So there. Can't make me dance."

Nicole smiled. "Your sister be wanting me to be firm with you. I be firm with you. And, you be saying no. That be how it works."

Waverly realised Nicole understood. "Oh N, I'm sorry. Wyn says it's best I stay here, what with the baby. She also said I need to talk to you. That I need to tell you what I'm thinking, not bottle everything up."

"So, tell me. What be you thinking?"

"Well, we could stay here a little while, just till I feel better. And, you need to learn about the estate and the businesses. And, read. And, write. And, count. And, maybe have a bath."

"I be doing a lot by the sounds of it."

"And, maybe Connie could tell you about your family."

"Ain't needing to know about me family. I has me family here. Won't dance for me mind."

"I'm never dancing for you. No, your other family. Your father."

"Ain't be needing to know about him neither."

"Fine. It was just a thought. You don't have to do what I say."

"So, that be it. I dance for you."

Waverly rolled her eyes. "Why do I end up with the cheeky one?"

"Be thinking the same."

Wynonna was already up, tucking into a large breakfast in the smaller dining room, a mound of bacon on the side of her plate. Waverly sat opposite, watching her consume slice after slice, apparently with no intention of stopping until it was all gone. She looked up once the fifth slice disappeared, letting out a loud belch. "Pardon me. How was your talk with Lord N?"

"Good. I told her I wouldn't dance for her."

"I did not want to know that. Does she understand you're worried?"

"Yes. No. I don't have your words. You speak to her. Tell her what's on my mind."

Wynonna rolled her eyes. "Anything else you want me to tell her? I mean, why don't I just sit between the two of you and translate."

"Wyn, this isn't easy. I can't say it like you. N keeps looking at me like I'm this little doll."

"Knew it. She has a doll fetish. Knew something was wrong with her. Where is N?"

"Having a wash. I told her she needed one."

Wynonna laughed. "And, you were worried N would order you about. I'm worried for N. Poor girl doesn't stand a chance." A piece of toast narrowly missed Wynonna's head. "That girl better learn to duck, that's all I'm saying."

Washed, a clean shirt on, Nicole went to check on Caspian and Ferdinand. Both eager to see her. A sugar lump delivered, an update given to Caspian on the latest events in her life, Ferdinand listening intently, she made her way back to the house. Wynonna had ordered more bacon, Waverly was picking at a slice of toast. Nicole didn't know which side to sit on, opting to stand in case either decided to launch something at her.

Wynonna could tell she was nervous, patting the seat next to her, Waverly watching as Nicole chose that seat rather than one next to her. "Waverly has something to say. Waverly tell N what you're thinking."

"I want to stay, but I don't want you bossing me around."

Nicole looked at Wynonna, then at Waverly. "I be never bossing you around. I be doing your bidding."

"Said that," Wynonna concurred. "N, tell her what's on your mind."

"I be wanting to take care of you. I don't like this house. And, I don't like the money, but I want what be best for you and the little one."

"Waverly your turn. What do you say to N?"

"I don't like this house either. And, I don't like you having all this money. But, you're right it would be best for us."

"So, we all agree both of you hate the house, but will stay. And, I get to visit as often as I like. Plus, take a bottle of that whiskey back with me. Well, that was painless."

Nicole got up, moving round the table to sit next to Waverly. "I be staying for you. I be learning all I need to learn. I be washing. I be changing me clothes. I be even dancing for you if you want me to."

"And, I'm out of here. I don't want to lose all that lovely bacon listening to you lovebirds. N, can I come back tonight?"

"No. I be locking the door. You be eating too much of me bacon."

Waverly's fist caught her on the shoulder. "I be joking. I be joking. Wynonna, this house be yours too. Always."

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