Chapter 14 - Ruddy Mess

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People from the town were arriving for the evening performance. Word had spread of the scantily-clad women riding bareback, attracting a larger number of young men than usual, eager to feast their eyes on exquisite female form, little knowing one of those forms was undergoing a transformation.

Nicole hobbled to Waverly's wagon hoping to find her resting. Wynonna was getting ready, ushering Nicole in, closing the door behind, taking her hand, leading her to the window seat, making her sit. She sat opposite on the one stool they had available, staring intently, chewing her bottom lip, wondering where they all went from here. "N, I don't know if you can understand what I'm saying, but, she says she doesn't want you involved. She thinks it's not fair on you."

Nicole understood only a few words of what Wynonna was saying. "Where's she?"

"Stables. Getting the horses ready. N, I agree with her, this is not your problem. She's..."

Nicole reached over, placing her fingers on Wynonna's lips. "Too fast. Can't understand."

"She. Is. Sorry."

"Does she want me?"

"N. She's worried sick. Speak slower, I know. She. Thinks. You. Do. Not. Want. Her. Now."

"I loves her more."

"You. Are. Shouting."

"I'll tell her. She ain't doing this alone. She has me."

Wynonna nodded. "And me. N, wait till the show is over, then talk to her. She's terrified Hardy will find out and come for her with his brothers. I should have taken more care of her, but I've been distracted, what with the move and the act. Sorry, sorry, did you get any of that?"

Nicole shook her head. "I speak to her now. I be there for her and the child."

Wynonna reached across the table for Nicole's hand, shaking her head. "Wait. Till. End. Of. Show. You. Talk. Then."

"You want me to wait?"

"Ruddy hell, this is hard," Wynonna replied, shaking her head, pointing to the door. "You. Go. Speak. End. Of. Show."

Limping out into the cold Nicole headed for the big top, her movements slowed by the crowds queuing to enter, eager to see Waverly perform, oblivious to her condition. She edged her way round the tent to the performers' entrance. The clowns were outside waiting for the start of the show, whooping and cheering as their N approached.

News had got round of her romantic interest in Waverly, two male clowns pretending to embrace, deciding at the last moment to dance together in front of her. The other clowns clapped, their mood raised in readiness for their imminent performance in the ring. Nicole smiled, their attention welcome, taking her away from her worries for a moment. One clown tapped her on the shoulder, attempting to snatch a kiss, managing to capture her cheek as she limped past.

She entered the tent, spying Dolls with Rosita laughing together. Dolls eyes pulled away from Rosita as he spotted her, waiting for her to approach, his voice the only one loud enough to break through. "N, you rascal. You and Waverly."

Nicole blushed. The circus really was an extremely small community, where everyone knew everyone's business, although, no one appeared to know about the pregnancy yet. It was not for her to tell.

The curtains covering the main entrance were being pulled back, allowing the waiting crowd to flock in, moving at a pace to get to their seats. The show got underway, acts entered, performed, left the ring. She wished she had a few more spoons of Mrs Winslow inside her. Her knee was throbbing, her head thumping, an edginess growing as the effects of the new cough syrup began to wear off. She needed air, the frenetic movement in the tent becoming too much.

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