4: Myths about Femininity

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Hello beautiful darlings 🌷 hope you're all doing amazing.

I'm sure you have heard quite a few myths and misconceptions on femininity. In this chapter, I'll list 5 misconceptions/myths about femininity! Let's get started.

1. Femininity is weak
I never really understood this misconception, but here we are! I don't think embracing your femininity is weak at all. In fact, it makes you stronger because you are flourishing in the way you were designed without fear. Trying to repress this energy will not do you good at all. Nothing wrong with allowing yourself to rest and be graceful.

2. Femininity is all about hair and makeup
Femininity is not limited to looking good externally and completely ignoring the internal. It's a way of living, it's the way you carry yourself. However this doesn't mean to completely ignore your external care, just don't obsess over it! Do everything with balance. Femininity is an art and mastering it takes work and discipline, just like with anything else. If you are not a pleasant person on the inside then what does it matter about how you look on the outside?

3. Feminine women have to be nice & sweet at all times
Feminine women are still human, so that means that we won't be sweet at all times. There will always be situations in life where we'll feel other emotions and that is fine! However, when faced with adversity, we must analyze each situation before exploding into anger or sadness or whatever emotion you may experience during that time. You don't want to always expend your energy on redundant situations. No one will take you seriously. The key is to pick & choose your battles, make your anger EXPENSIVE.

4. Feminine women lack personality
In the previous chapters we discussed different archetypes of feminine women. Some may be the mother, the maiden, the huntress, etc. These archetypes are based on what personality you may have. So if you are the archetype, huntress, you'll be confident and go after what you desire. If your archetype is the mother, then you have the ability to create deep connections and be more nurturing. The mother and huntress archetypes have different personalities from each other, yet both feminine! Remember that femininity is not rigid.

5. Feminine women can't have careers/they have to be housewives
As I said before, femininity is the gracious way you carry yourself. Having a career does not diminish your femininity and being feminine does not mean you cannot have careers. You can have a wonderful career while maintaining your femininity. The two can go hand in hand.
In addition, if you choose to be a housewife/SAHM instead, then that is totally fine too. Thankfully, we are in the era where women can choose what they want to do. That also means we do not shame women for wanting to be housewives/SAHM or being career oriented.

Here are 5 myths/misconceptions on femininity! I'm sure there are much more but could not think of at the moment. What are some myths/misconceptions you've heard about femininity?

Until next time, beautiful darlings!

- Feminine_Journey 🌼💄

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