2: Feminine Archetypes

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Femininity is not rigid.

Rather there are many different types of feminine women one can be. Each feminine woman displays her own behaviors of femininity instinctively that belong to a certain archetype.

Before we delve further, what is an archetype?

Well, according to Dictionary.com, the exact definition an archetype is: (in Jungian psychology) a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.

In other words, it is our personalities based on a collective of our past experiences that shape us into who we are today.

There are 7 feminine archetypes:

~ the mother

~ the maiden

~ the queen

~ the huntress

~ the sage

~ the mystic

~ the lover

We embody all of these archetypes, however, some may dominate over the others. Let's describe briefly through each archetype and what it entails.

The mother archetype is the archetype that involves deep connection and the ability to nurture. They are also good at creating profound connections with others, they have the ability to create and protect. 

The maiden represents purity and most likely represents damsel in distress type of personality. This archetype also presents creativity and deep intuition. Those who have a great intuition will have this archetype as the dominant over others.

The queen, of course, represents authority, confidence, and is able to establish great alliances with others. She is certain in what she desires and will not hesitate to go after it.

The huntress, similar to the queen, strives on independence. She has a warrior spirit and will fight for what she believes in.

The sage is the one that accomplishes her tasks, has much wisdom as a result of her life experiences, and is able to separate her emotions when approached with situations. Success is inevitable with the sage.

The mystic are those who are mysterious, not sharing much about themselves. They are careful with how much they share and who they are sharing it too. The mystic embodies a seductive allure.

Finally, the lover is the one that has sensuality, deep compassion, creativity, and captivation. The lover cares deep for others and is not afraid to express her feelings. She is vulnerable with her emotions.

These are the seven archetypes of femininity! To find out what your archetype is you can type in google the "feminine archetype quiz" and it will pull up various websites containing them.

Knowing what feminine archetype you are will allow you to see what person you are. The more you perceive yourself the easier it will be for you to make future decisions. It can help you avoid certain situations that can be detrimental to you. You will recognize what is good for you and what is bad. 

You will trust yourself more and that is important.

There is one quiz on this website and I used the article as a guide to write this chapter. https://www.womenlovepower.com/2016/03/an-explanation-of-the-7-basic-feminine-archetypes/

Take the quiz & let me know in the comments what feminine archetype you have! 


Until next time...

- Feminine_Journey 🌼💄

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