However, every single time I hear a sound, I jump a bit. I am too on edge from everything that has happened. I cannot relax. Any second I expect the door to swing open and someone will come in to give me another round of his version of torture. Just thinking about it gives me chills and instills me with a crippling fear. 0

I am ashamed to be a Ricca. I am literally quaking in my boots each time the door opens. At least I am a good enough actress to fake it through. (Maybe I should consider acting in the future). I just get overwhelmed with fear and pain. I...I should think about other things.

I desperately want to sleep to shorten the time. However, I only have nightmares when I close my eyes. That and a mild case of insomnia.

I go in and out of consciousness. I never manage to fully sleep. I can feel my body and mind slowly waste away once more. My throat feels dry and achy. Also, my mouth is like sandpaper. I'm too weak to move at all.

Did they forget about me? I don't know if I"m lucky or not.

I doze off. 

I wake up.

I doze off once more.

Sometimes I see food placed in front of me. 

I don't know how long this cycle continues but this time I wake to the sound of someone's voice.

"Pssttt. Psssttt." Someone tries to get my attention. 

I gaze at him. My lips stick together momentarily before I force them apart. Of course, in doing so, they start bleeding again. Fan-fucking-tastic. 

"You don't need to speak." Jacob rushes toward me, half-limping. He starts to cut through my zip-ties with a knife. I try not to look at the blood stains on the blade; it gives me unpleasant thoughts. 

I only stare at him, half-consciously. He looks slightly better than the last time I saw him. His bruises aren't as glowing. Plus, he's not dripping with blood. 

I think I am in a dream. This certainly feels like a dream. Everything is all hazy and fluffy. Yet, the release my limbs feel from the restraints are too real to be a dream. I stare in disbelief at my bare ankles and wrists. The angry, red marks around them seems foreign to me. 

I automatically try to get up from the chair. Of course, I collapse painfully from my weakend state. My crudly fashioned bandages becomes seeped with blood soon as I reopen my scabs. I gasp in pain, gritting my teeth together. It does not help that I may have been stabbed multiple times in the legs. The bandages all over my body are not helping anymore. Bullocks. 

"Hey. We need to get out of here." Jacob snaps his fingers in front of my face impatiently. 

"Ja-cob?" I whisper. "I-I can't." I can barely move. He is always so observant...

"Yeah, that's my name. I'm serious. We need to leave. NOW." He starts to grab my wrist. I instinctively pull away and wrap my arms around me in protection. 

His eyes soften as he stares at me. " can trust me." He holds out his hand to me.

I shake my head imperceptively. This could be a trap. He could be working for Alfredo. He's only pretending to escape with me. I cannot even move in this state so i don't know why he's even bothering. 

"Do you really want to stay here? You have barely brushed the surface on what they will do to you!" He snaps. "After they try to tire you mentally with all this waiting, you will experience worst. Trust. Me." His eyes hold such honesty and conviction that I start to step towards him.

"I can't!" My eyes tear up.

"I'll carry you!" He almost screams.

"You can't even walk properly!" I almost scream, but my throat catches. I start coughing uncontrollably, which only makes my pain worse. I cover my mouth and try to quiet the coughs. Taking away my hand, I gasp at the red stains on my fingers. I hope my internal bleeding is not life-threatening as of right now. 

Nerd in Disguise: Blood BoundWhere stories live. Discover now