The Business Trip

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It's been a month since Evie starts working at the Hawkes Institute as Benson's personal assistant and during that month, Evie still has a grudge against Benson for ranting at her on her first day at work, Benson tries to make it up to her, but Evie refuses and would get really annoyed with him. 

However, her friendship with Rebecca becomes strong and the two girl loves to gossip about Benson's annoying hookups with random female employees. One morning, Evie arrives to work before Benson arrives, to make his daily coffee in the break room. 

"Morning, Evie.", Rebecca replied. "Morning, Bec.", Evie greeted. "Making coffee for the boss?", Rebecca asked. "As usual. He always tells me to make and bring him coffee. He's always grumpy in the morning, like a hangry man! I now come early to make it, before he arrives.", Evie replied. 

"I see.", Rebecca replied. Evie sees Benson arriving to the building and heads to his office, while Evie finishes making his coffee. "Anyways, I have to go and bring Mr Grumpy, his coffee.", Evie sighed with annoyance. "Good luck with that and I'll see you at break.", Rebecca replied. 

Evie leaves the break room with Benson's mug of coffee and heads to his office. As Evie arrives, she knocks on the door. "Come in.", Benson replied, as he looks at his iPad, while Evie walks inside with his coffee. "Good morning, Mr Hawkes.", Evie replied in a polite tone. "Morning, Evelyn.", Benson replied. 

"Here's your morning coffee, as usual.", Evie replied, placing the mug onto his desk. "Thank you.", Benson replied, looking at her. Evie then turns to leave, but Benson stops her. "Evelyn!", Benson called out. "Yes, sir?", Evie asked. "I need to talk to you about something very important.", Benson replied. 

"Of course, Mr Hawkes. What is it?", Evie asked, standing in front of his desk, while he sat down. "Tomorrow, I have a business conference in Las Vegas.", Benson replied. "Ok, and what's that got to do with me?", Evie asked. "Evelyn, I want you to come with me to Vegas.", Benson replied. 

This shocks Evie, as she realises that she going on a business trip to Vegas with her boss. "You don't have to say yes. You can say no, if you don't want you come.", Benson replied. "No, it's fine. I'll go.", Evie replied. "You sure?", Benson asked. "Yes, I'm sure!", Evie replied. 

"Good! You can go home early after 12pm to bag your bags. I'll pick you up from your house at 8am in the morning, so don't be late. Our flight is at 9am tomorrow.", Benson replied. "Yes, Mr Hawkes.", Evie replied. "Ok, you can go now.", Benson replied, and Evie leaves the office. 

That afternoon, Evie went home and told her family about the business trip, and all of them were surprised and yet shocked. "You're going to Vegas?", Desiree asked. "It's only a business trip, not some holiday.", Evie replied. "Sweetheart, are you sure you're ok of going to Vegas?", Fiona asked. 

"Yes Mum, I'm sure. I'll be fine.", Evie smiled. "Come on, Fiona. Let her go on this trip for once in her life.", George replied. "Ok, but you have to call me, ok?", Fiona asked. "Yes, Mum.", Evie replied. "Ok, if you're going to Vegas and if you partying, you need an outfit!", Desiree replied. 

"Dez, really?!", Evie asked. "Come on, Evie! You need to look stunning and glamorous when you're in Vegas.", Desiree cried. "Fine.", Evie sighed. "Yes! Anyways, you go and start packing and I'll go to the mall and shop for outfits. See ya!", Desiree cried, as she runs out of the house, and drives to the mall. 

Evie goes to her room and starts packing her bag. Later, Desiree returns home with lots of shopping bags and went to Evie's room, to give them to her. "Hey!", Desiree replied, in a panting way, holding lots of shopping bags in her hands. "Whoa, Dez! How many outfits have you bought?", Evie asked. 

"Six.", Desiree replied, which shocks Evie, who stands up. "Six?!", Evie asked. "Relax, Eve. I'm giving you 6 options. I bought 6 dresses, 6 pairs of shoes and 18 pieces of accessories.", Desiree replied. "Desiree!", Evie cried. 

"I know. You need to match them up, Evie. You can't wear the same jewellery for all 6 outfits. Anyways, I have already paired the outfits, the shoes and the accessories in a dress cover bag. Here you go.", Desiree smiled, giving the shopping bags to Evie. 

Evie thanks them and looks at them. "Thanks.", Evie replied, and Desiree leaves the room with a smile. Evie looks at the shopping bags and sighs with annoyance. 

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