"No this is as weird as it gets," I chuckle a little as well. I sigh and push myself off the floor to pick up the guitar I left on the bed. 

"I'm going to try again," I say picking up the guitar. I plonk on the couch next to Ranboo who stays on the floor. I run my fingers over the strings and hit a mind block. 

"Wait, what do I play?" I ask. 
"No clue,"
"I don't know a song called No Clue," I joke with a knowing smirk and Ranboo bursts out laughing
"That was t-terrible!" he manages to get out and I join in on his laughter.

Our laughter dies down and I turn my focus back to the guitar. I hum in thought and play some major chord progressions. Nothing comes to mind as I play mindlessly hoping that it works.  I keep my focus on the cup of Allium flowers and mentally beg them to do something. I knit my brows together as I try to focus. 

I push as hard as I can but nothing happens. I sigh and stop playing. 

"⟟⏁'⌇ ⋏⍜⏁ ⍙⍜⍀☍⟟⋏☌," I huff like a child who hasn't gotten their way. 

"⋔⏃⊬⏚⟒ ⟟⏁ ⏁⏃☍⟒⌇ ⌇⍜⋔⟒ ⏁⟟⋔⟒?" Ranboo suggests and I sigh again. 

"⍙⟒ ☊⍜⎍⌰⎅ ⏚⟒ ⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⎎⍜⍀ ⏃ ⍙⊑⟟⌰⟒, ☌⟒⏁ ☊⍜⋔⎎⊬" I say and readjust the guitar. Ranboo slouches into the couch and grabs a nearby cushion. 

I start playing again. 

This time I hum along making random melodies that don't have any meaning. I dig deep trying to find that little ball of energy inside me but it doesn't come when I call for it. I continue to strum at the guitar and slowly the melody becomes more intricate, more like a song. 

I watch the flowers and wait but nothing comes to me. So I close my eyes and try searching for old memories. I feel around in the dark corners of my mind but like always I feel as though I hit a wall. Something blocking me from seeing things that I want to see. 

Usually, I ignore the wall, content to sort through the memories I have. Ones of my family and the village. Happy memories that have nothing to do with the people who hurt me. But today I find myself delving into new memories. 

As my fingers flick across the steel strings bringing rhythm and melody together to make something beautiful, I think of the new memories I've made. Memories of me and Ranboo, my best friend. The times we raided the kitchen or snuck storybooks from Schlatt. The time I showed Ranboo snow on the balcony and the countless hours we spent together in my room laughing and talking about nothing. 

My lips gentle curl upwards and I start feeling warm inside. I let the warmth fill me up, I let happiness consume me. 

"Woah," I hear Ranboo breathe beside me.

I open my eyes and gasp slightly when I see what I'd created. The small cup containing Allium flowers had grown into so much more. There were three or four short and sad looking Allium bulbs there before. One had a stem that had broken and another was on its last legs. But now... It was a beautiful tangle of way more than just four Allium flowers. 

The bulbs were huge and bright purple and their stems had woven together and sucked up all the water in the cup. It was as complex and sophisticated as a handwoven tapestry forming elaborate shapes and sections. 

"It's beautiful," I breathe but my frown still finds a way onto my face. I had one unanswered question. 

"Why can I suddenly do this now? Why not before? I'm no different... Am I?" I stand up from my seat holding the guitar as I wonder aloud to Ranboo. I felt frustration build up in me. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang