32 || Michael

390 27 18


I let Grammarly do the editing, please comment on any errors so I can fix them <3


"YOU DID WHAT?!" I didn't mean to yell so loud. It sort of just slipped out. 

Ranboo had come home from his trip to town this morning. I'd been making lunch and he told me to turn off the stove and put the knives in the sink away. As suspicious as I was, I did as he asked and sat down with him on the couch. Although I don't think anything could have prepared me for this. 

"Yeah..." Ranboo trails off stiffy rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. 

"Ranboo, why on planet earth would you think adopting a child is a good idea? You're barely married to Tubbo as it is!" I run a hand through my hair feeling stress course through my veins. From what I remember, Tubbo's only eighteen and we guessed that Ranboo is nineteen or twenty in human years but in Enderian years we have no clue. 

"Tubbo was incredibly persuasive," Ranboo sighs and leans back on the couch. I can see he's as worried about the issue as I am. His tail wouldn't stop swishing and his ears weren't perky like usual. 

"You just sound soft," I try to lighten the mood but Ranboo just chuckles drily. 

"Please tell me he's not a baby," I beg and Ranboo shakes his head, I let out a sigh of relief. If he had adopted a baby there would be a lot more problems.

"Do you have a plan at all?" I ask my voice growing gentler and less irrational. Ranboo sighed, I knew he was sifting through memories trying to find the most accurate version of what happened. 

"Tubbo said I didn't have to help and raise Michael..." I can tell he wants to say more but he doesn't. 

"What do you think about that?" 
"I would like to raise Michael... but I don't know. Going to help Tubbo and be a real part of my family means leaving you," Ranboo looks at me with clouded eyes. His thoughts were so prominent I could almost see them; palpable. 

I'm struck by the way he says "family". There isn't one word to describe it. Longing was the clearest way I could describe it. He loves Tubbo and he's growing more attached to Michael by the second. He'll feel like he has abandoned them if he doesn't go with them even though Tubbo said it was ok. 

"Ranboo, even though we'll be in different places it doesn't change anything. I'm still going to love you, like Tommy and Techno," I smile encouragingly. He wants this, I can see that he does. He just needs to be told that there isn't a consequence for this choice. 

"I guess I understand," Ranboo mumbles but his voice is still conflicted. 

An idea comes to mind, I feel my stomach churn and suddenly the food I had made didn't seem so appetising. Ranboo was worried about me, I need to show him that I'm alright. I need to show him that I'm ok with this. There was only one way to do that. 

"Before you choose, why don't we get to know Michael by spending the day with him and Tubbo," I hold back my wince, he can't know that this scares me. 

"What do you mean 'we'"? he questions. I can see the hope in his eyes and it pushes me over. 

"If you're going to have a son, I have to meet him at least once," I smile and Ranboo sits bolt upright. I watch even more questions and emotions flash across his face. 

In truth, I did want to meet Michael. Tubbo was a more complicated topic. I had very few good memories of him. I didn't have any childhood memories of him to help me. The memories I did have were mostly attached to good memories of Tommy that I had remembered. 

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