16- hypnotizing

Depuis le début

''This is my brother. He was talkin' to ya,''

I nodded. Swallowed hard and stood up.

''umm....sorry. So sorry,'' I said reaching my hand out to him. He placed his warm soft hands in mine. My ears were hot and my face blood red.

''whats your name?" Rocky asked him, walking over between us.

The boy smiled shyly.

''Ricky,'' he said. ''Ricky Grammer, and my sister Sinny''

Rocky nodded and came closer between us now. I eventually resumed my seat and so did Ricky and Sinny.

''how old are you two?" Rocky asked them. Sinny had that unreadable blank face that she was so well at putting on and Ricky did a bit too.

''Sinny is my younger sister, she's but 15 years young. You look about my age kid..." he said gesturing towards Rocky ''...i'm 17 years.''

Rocky nodded,

''yea. I'm 17 too. My name is Rocky Monroe. And that is McFlan but we call her Mick. She just turned 15.'' Rocky said.

''ohhh. McFlan, thats different. I like it!" Sinny exclaimed. I grinned a little too much and tried to hold it back but the fact that she liked my name was a foreign compliment that I treasured and wished to hear more often. And of course Ricky had to chime in,

''yea, thats sweet!" he said winking at me. I tried not too but I drooled onto my shirt and then tried to wipe it off quickly but Rocky caught a glance and he seemed a bit agitated

''the girl that went to the bathroom is my sister, Grace,'' Rocky said.

''y'all don't look all that much alike,'' Sinny said. Her "..like" sounding like "lock"

''Grace is only my adoptive sister,''

Ricky and Sinny nodded as if suddenly understanding. Grammy gave me a creepy yet adorable grin as she looked at me over the glasses she'd just had on her head. Grandpa came back for more of our luggage. Rocky jumped up, insisting he help out. Grace finally came out of the bathroom. She stood by the door as if expecting to leave soon. Ricky got up and reached his hand out to her.

''Ricky Grammer,'' he said smiling.

She lit up, her eyes growing bright and puppy like. She smiled and bit her lip.

''Grace Summers,'' she said grabbing his hand slowly and seductively. She carried him closer to her and placed his hand around her hips. He laughed and then backed off. Walking back slowly he said,

''well its nice to meet you,''

Jealously and anger built up inside me even more. Being close to Ricky I couldnt control myself. I drooled like a dork and stared while she flirted and teased. She had no problem with seduction. I grumbled angrily.


The evening had gone by fast. Grace kissing up to Sinny and Ricky all day. Ignoring me, she hadnt looked at me since our arrival. Rocky gave me a bad vibe everytime he came around me and he wouldnt look me in the eye. He kept giving me those one word answers and he wasnt acting himself. He and Grandaddy did a bit more preparing and organizing while me and Grammy cooked dinner. Sinny, Ricky, and Grace just hung out together like they were the best of friends. It made me angrier and angrier to hear their laughs, wishing I was out there with them. Wishing I could be normal around Ricky.

Dinner was good and we all ate together as a new family. Ricky and Sinny had to get back to their home before 9:00 so after they departed Grace disappeared to her room. Rocky gathered his things to get into the shower while Grammy and Grandad watched tv. They were the cutest and most adorable couple, just sitting their happily. Me wishing I could grow old with someone I love dearly. Rocky was still acting weird with me so I followed behind him quietly while he trailed into the bathroom. Once he'd gotten in, I slid behind him and then shut the door.

''Mick!" he exclaimed, wrapping his towel around him tighter now.

''Rocky, whats wrong?" I asked him.

''what are you talking about?" he asked starting to gather the soap and shampoo he'd be using.

''you've been acting really weird with me today,'' I said doe-eyed and child-like.

''do you like that Ricky dude?" he asked.

''do you mea...''

''I mean like, do you have a crush on him?''

I didnt respond a moment.

''you do don't you?" he asked coming closer to me. Standing over me and looking down into my eyes. I started to chew my nails.

''are you jealous?" I asked him.

He nodded and shrugged his shoulders. "You tell me. Your over there drooling over the guy!" he said.

''whats it to you?!" I exclaimed. ''you don't pay attention to me never! I'm not your girlfriend! Why do you care if I like another guy?"

He sighed,

''just get out of the bathroom Mick and let me shower!" he said calmly the first time.

''Rocky I..."

''get out!" he boomed pointing towards the door.


He grabbed the door handle and swung the door open for me.

''now,'' he said gritting his teeth. I walked out slowly. As soon as I was out enough he slammed the door behind me.

I made my way up to my room solemnly. I put my hand on the doorknob and was about to enter to rest when I heard noises. I've always been a "mind-my-own-business-don't-care-about-you girl" but because the noises were flowing from Graces' room, I had to poke in and see. I slowly got closer and closer to her door. The noise becoming clearer and clearer. Easier and easier to understand. A loud stomp and then,

''shut up before we get caught!" I cracked the door just slightly, just enough for one eye to witness. A males figure closing the window behind him. And then he wrapped his arms around Grace. Who is he? i wondered.

I peeked a bit more, watching him tackle her down onto the bed. He started to strip the clothes off of her while she peeled his off, piece by piece. Suddenly they became inpatient and demanding as the clothes removing got faster and faster. Soon, all clothes were piled on the floor. My eyes tried to turn away but couldnt.

Her bra was flung across the room and ended up tapping gently against the door. I jumped at the sound but tried to remain silent. I needed to know who this boy was and I need to bust Grace. So closer and closer I got. I hear moaning and tapping sounds.

''oh Ricky!" Grace eventually yells out. They stop a moment,

''shhh...'' Ricky whispers. I put my hand over my mouth and try to stop the tears from coming but they don't stop. More and more anger and jealously built up. My stomach sick enough, I ran back into my room. Plopped down on my bed and closed my eyes.

 Sinny on side.....................................................................>


Sorry to confuse you by making Ricky and Rocky (their names so similiar) but I heard of a "Sinny and Ricky" and I thought those were the coolest names, paired. So I just had to make some characters of course! ;D And I think Ricky should be a hot boy's name ;D

Anyway, so Grace and Ricky???? Also, will Mick become so angry and envious of Grace that she decides to tell what she did? Is Rocky jealous of Ricky's effects on Mick? If so, what will he do about it? Still unanswered, who killed Mick's father? All shall be accounted for in the chapters to follow. thank you for reading! have a great day or night!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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