Chapter 2 Unexpected Intentions

Start from the beginning

"Sharp as ever I see. You're right by the way, I'm here to offer you a proposal. Is there somewhere private we can talk?"

"There's no one but us around here for miles, my kitchen is pretty roomy. But you should know, you're not my type and I have no intention of -"

"I don't mean that you, idiot!" Andrew said, smacking him off the back. He withdrew his hand massaging it.

"Ow, you still work out? What do you do, carry twenty gallon water tanks?" he asked.

"You could say that. Follow me. All I have is coffee so I hope you had a good breakfast."

"Yeah, the white collars pay for three course meals so I'm good." Andrew said following him in. When they had sat down with mismatched coffee cups in hand, Andrew spoke, this time on a serious note.

"I have a job proposal for you - with good pay." Andrew said, getting to the point.

"First things first. I need to know how you found me and who else knows my location." Ji Hoon said, leaning back with his arms folded.

"Hired three detectives and besides them, only me." Andrew replied. His voice became gentler. "Are you still on the run from them?"

"What does it look like?"

"I suppose I should've expected that. have you had any trouble since coming here?"

"Not in six months. I have no passport and no ID so I can get away with anything around here."

"How long have you lived like that?"

Close to a year." Andrew paused, thinking about Ji Hoon's answer.

"So what's the job?" He asked. Andrew met his gaze as he spoke a single word.

"Bodyguard." Ji Hoon snickered.

"You're considering a dangerous ex-spy for the job of babysitting some rich American you work for?" he asked.

"Yes." Andrew's short answer made the smile fade from Ji Hoon's face.

"You're serious." He stated.

"Dead, yeah."

"Then forget it. You know I can't be in the public eye. I'm already wanted in one country. I don't want another target on my back here."

"You'll be well provided for. Not just the basics, I'm talking passport and ID. The FBI won't look twice at your record because there won't be one. You'll be a free citizen in this country working a high paying job with no questions asked." Ji Hoon's foot shook with nonchalance.

"You wasted your time if you came for that. I'm not interested."

"Ji Hoon." Andrew said sharply. Ji Hoon let out a loud breath.

"Why? Why the interest in me?" he asked.

"Because you're my best friend. You're like a brother to me. and I can't sit back and let you flounder through life dodging those people like some hunted criminal. Because you're not. You saved my life once; now let me pay back that debt."

"Everybody sticks their necks out for each other in the military, Tae Wook. It's nothing special."

"It is to me. When I lost touch with you last year I was afraid to contact you for fear of endangering you. but now that's changed. You have a chance at a normal life."

"I am living a normal life. I have a roof over my head and food on the table. Local folks pay me to fix their appliances. Tourists pay me double to fix their phones and laptops. I don't need anything more." Andrew looked at him with something like pity.

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