Chapter 20

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The voice on the intercom came on again.

"Well, would you look at that? Didn't expect that to happen. I know you were all just there, but please do meet up in the men's bathroom once more."

Everyone had gathered in the men's bathroom again.

"Oh my this can't be happening!" Kat exclaimed.

Dio started clapping slowly, "Hahahaha! THiS cAn'T bE HaPpENing, boohoo. Well, news flash Kat, it seems that it can be happening after all. You've been found out. You thought you could get away with killing Big Chungus, hiding him in the ceiling, and then giving us a great, great motivational speech on why we shouldn't kill each other. Lucky for us, it seems the ceiling collapsed, and now we all know your little secret."

Kat had tears rolling down her eyes, "No I didn't do it! I swear! I would've had no reason to! Please, believe me!

"You would've had no reason? It has been make quite clear that you would indeed have a reason."

"No, I'm telling the truth! You have to believe me!"

Keiji spoke, "All right, both of you, calm down. Yes, Dio, Kat would have a motive for killing Big Chungus. However, there is no proof that she did. We cannot say she's the killer until we find proof that she is."

Dio grunted.

Kat let out a sigh of relief, "Thanks Keiji."

Keiji nodded.

After everyone did their typical, oh no, anyway reaction to Big Chungus's death, the intercom intervened once more.

"Congratulations guys! You've survived the first wave. You may have not noticed that there is an elevator in this facility, but there is. I am now giving you access to the second floor. I suggest you go check it out. Wouldn't want you getting left behind. The elevator is in the game room."

Everyone met up in the game room.

Sunny spoke, "Alright, I guess I'll open the elevator." Sunny clicked the button the call the elevator and the elevator door opened. "Wait, who's this."

Beat got a closer look, "Woah, there's a man tied up in here."

Neku looked at the man tied up in the elevator, "That's him! That's the guy on the pool ball. The blond man."

End of Act 1

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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