Chapter 7

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All had come to fruition. The winner of the first battle was: Mad Rat.

Byakuya started:
"Would you look at that? I didn't think he had it in him to win. Mad Rat, congratulations. As for you Spike, you have until tomorrow to leave."

"Guess you can't win 'em all," Spike began, "I'll be out soon. It was fun guys."

"Well everybody," Byakuya continued, "You know what that means? It's time to announce the next matchup."

"Already?" Parappa asked.

Byakuya resumed his speech:
"It's funny you of all people would ask Parappa. The next matchup for the Panel for the Channel tournament is...
Keiji Shinogi VS Parappa."

"What me? I can't believe this! Why does it have to be me?" Parappa went on.

"Well quite frankly, Parappa, you were going to have to have your turn eventually."

"I guess so."

Dio looked annoyed, "Hurry it up old man. This tournament is going way too slow. When do I get a turn already?"

Kat spoke up:
"Dio, literally there has only been one matchup so far. You're telling me it's going too slow when it literally just started?"

"Hmph, whatever."

Venti spoke:
"Guys, we really don't need to be fighting."

Keiji glanced over at Venti but didn't say anything. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't. Dio spoke first:
"This is a tournament, I think it's perfectly acceptable for me to be fighting."

Spike got annoyed:
"Heh, you guys are getting annoying, I'm going to get my things. I'll see ya later."

"Bye Spike," Venti said.

Byakuya interrupted:
"Well anyway, voting will be opened soon so be ready for that. I wish you all luck. Sorry Blitztank, we still haven't got your voice box delivered to us yet. So you're going to have to wait a bit longer."

"That's fine."


"Alright this gathering is over, you're free to leave now."

The contestants all went their separate ways.


"I can't do it. I'm not ready to compete."
Parappa sat alone in his room. He heard a knock on his door.
"Who is it?"

"It's Keiji. Wanna talk?"

"Not really."

"Alright, bye."

"Keiji wait! Come in. What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, I don't know. I just thought it might be good to get to know each other."

"Alright, sounds cool."

"First thing I want to know about you. You can really grasp a person's personality by their credit card information, if you want to tell me yours, I think I'll know you a lot better."

"Really? Okay then. It's-," Parappa was interrupted, thankfully, by Keiji.
"Parappa wait. I was only joking. Don't ever give your credit card information to anyone, even if they're a trusted adult."
"What am I saying?," Keiji continued on confused, "Well Parappa, I'm going to go to sleep for now, I'm not feeling well, and we have big days ahead of us."

"Yeah, you're right. Bye Keiji."



Morning came and everyone gathered in the lobby because of Byakuya's beckoning.
"Alright everyone I've gathered you all here because of something I need to report, I have not seen Spike today."

Dio spoke up, "Well yeah moron, he left. He said so himself."

"Wrong Dio. I checked the cameras to make sure he left."

"And?" Dio asked.

"He never left Dio, he never left. That means he's still in the building. We have to go find him," Byakuya continued, "Everybody split up and go look for Spike, and while you're at it, try to find Neku too."

Everyone went separate ways to go look for Spike. Beat ran into 2B.

"Oh hey 2B! Any luck finding Spike?"

"None," 2B replied.

"That's too bad. You know, I had a conversation with Spike before he went missing."

"You did?"

"Yeah. He told me something weird. He said: "If I ever go missing, just remember 9S." I don't really know what that means at all though. Have any Ideas?"

"How does he know 9S? What does he have to do with this?"

"Interesting, so you do know. I think it's about time we team up don't you think?"

"Very well, for now we will form an alliance."

"Sounds good to me, let's go look for Spike."


"Hey guys! Come here quick!," said a mysterious voice.

Venti came running over, "What's wrong? Wait Neku?"

"That d-doesn't matter right n-now. Look!"

Venti gasped, "N-no! It c-can't be! Spike!"

All Venti could do was stand there and stare, stare at Spike's lifeless body.


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