Chapter 12

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2B and Beat are in 2B's room.
2B spoke, "So, Beat."


"What did you think Spike meant when he said remember 9S?"

"Like I'd know bro. Don't you know something about 9S though? Care to tell me so we're on the same page?"

"Hmm, okay. 9S was my old partner when I was still working for an organization called Yorha. I guess I was still working for Yorha before I came here. I didn't ever join this tournament, so I don't know how I got here."

"You didn't join the tournament?"

"Yeah. Byakuya said the same thing when I told him. I really don't know how I got here, but the fact that Spike knew 9S concerns me."

"That does seem kind of odd that he would know somebody like that."

"Yeah, I really do know nothing about Spike. If only he was still alive, I could've asked him."

"2B... I'm sorry. I should've told you about 9S sooner."

"No, it's fine. How were you supposed to know I would know what he was saying? Besides, I don't really know what he was saying either."

"Sure, I guess."


The mysterious voice from the intercom played again, "Hello everybody, I want you all the meet in the main lobby, I have to tell you something. That includes you Byakuya. End of message"

One by one all the remaining participants gathered in the main lobby to hear what was going to be said.

"What does it have to say for us this time," said Big Band.

The voice spoke, "I'm glad almost all of you are gathered here to once again hear the results of yet another matchup."

"What do they mean almost all of you?," Asked Venti.

"They're probably referring to Spike," Beat said.

"Yeah, probably."

The voice continued, "Is everybody ready? The winner of the Keiji Shinogi VS Parappa matchup is..."

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