File 07

15 0 0

Letter Written 4 Days Before the Tournament

"Hey guys, it's Spike. I got some intel on a bounty that might be of our interest. Apparently there's this tournament going on called Panel for the Channel, or something like that. Some guy that's in the tournament seems to have a pretty big bounty on his head. He doesn't seem too dangerous, so I don't really know the reason for the bounty, but I'll make sure to capture him and turn him into the police. It shouldn't take me too long, so there's no need to worry, I'll be back soon guys. Once I get back with a bounty of this size, we'll definitely be able to eat three full meals a day for at least a month, like a family. I hate to admit it, but I will miss you guys while I'm alone, but I'll be back soon, so I hope you're ready for good eating."


Panel for the ChannelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora