Chapter 3

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Parappa entered his room for the first time. He gave it a quick look over and decided that was enough. He began to lie in bed and drift off. 

He thought to himself:
"I wonder if I'll actually be able to win this tournament. Sixteen contestants, and the matches are based off of popular vote. That's so not cool. I mean, I'm not the least popular character, but there's no way I'm as popular as characters such as, Big Chungus, or even Blitztank. I just gotta believe and then I know I can do it." Parappa let out a temperate sigh, and then dozed off.

Mad Rat and Heart entered their room and swiftly noticed that there was only one bed.
Mad Rat said:
"This might be an issue; one of us will have to sleep on the floor."
Heart said:
"Um, Mad Rat? I'm your heart. I don't think it's that much of an issue when we're stuck together for most of the day."
Mad Rat, slightly embarrassed said:
"Oh right. M-my bad. Well Heart, what do you think?"
"What do I think?"
"Yeah, about the tournament."
"Oh, I don't know. I think we might be able to win it. We are a team of two after all."
"Yeah, I suppose you're right. I'm just scared of what might happen if we lose."
"He never did say, huh?"
"Yeah, I'm sure it's nothing bad though. Right Heart?"
"Of course," replied Heart.

Blitztank made its way to its room, more or less. I guess it could be considered more of a factory or a warehouse to be precise. It didn't have much to say or think about, so it didn't. It went to bed instantly.

Venti had been trying to fall asleep for around an hour now. He thought to himself:
"Why can't I fall asleep? I can usually fall asleep in an instant. I don't understand. Maybe I'll leave my room to see if anyone is still awake."
Venti turned the knob of his rusted door. Its creaks echoed throughout the long corridor. Venti noticed the lights in a small room tucked away behind two bedrooms was still lit well into the night. Venti said:
"Hello, is there perhaps anybody there?"
Venti noticed a dark figure sweep by the corner of his eye. "Who could that be?" He thought to himself. He decided to inquire further.

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