I trust him - Hori Pure Imagination

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"I don't trust easily. So when I tell you that 'I trust you', please don't make me regret it." - Curiano

"No! I need to practice - Eddy-!"

Brett protested the entire way as he was dragged into the carriage by Eddy's firm grip.

"To Odal beach, please," Eddy ignored Brett's complaints as he signed the coachman to go.

Brett sat reluctantly in the coach with his arms crossed. Eddy, sitting in front of him, smiled at Brett's pouting.

"Come on, Brett. I could even hear it from the music that you don't know much about the sea," Eddy laughed.

"...I have been to ports!"

"Full of trash and people and boats? I bet you have never swum or played in the waves though," Eddy scoffed.

Brett glared at Eddy. Eddy was right though. Brett's encounter with the seaside was always a part of his family business, not for relaxation.

"This is for your inspiration, Brett. I'm helping you."

"I don't need your help," Brett muttered, still scornful.

However, as the coach started to roll, the soothing rhythm of the wheels made Brett realize how tired he was. Brett yawned sleepily.

"It's going to take at least two hours. Get some sleep," Eddy said.

With that, Brett was gone in a second. He leaned against the window, fast asleep.

Eddy took out a music book and began to read, occasionally looking up to check if Brett was still sleeping. He slowly turned the pages, careful not to wake Brett up.

Meanwhile, the carriage took them further away from Meldovern.



"Brett, wake up," Eddy gently shook Brett.

"Huh?" Brett woke up sleepily as the coach jolted to the stop. His eyes went wide as he looked out the window.

This was the most beautiful scenery he has ever seen in his life: a white sandy beach with blue emerald waves and rocky cliffs from the distance. Few couples and families were lying on the beach, enjoying orange drinks.

"Wow, this is the Odal beach?" Brett gasped.

"Nice, right?" Eddy took Brett's hand and helped him get off the carriage.

The sun was shining brilliantly, generating thousands of sparkles as waves crashed into the shore.

"It feels better barefoot," Eddy crouched down and gently took out Brett's shoes.

Brett carefully stepped into the powder sand.

"It's so soft...!" Brett exclaimed as he dug his toes into the warm sand. The salty breeze blew in his hair.

Brett's awe turned into a surprise as Eddy playfully hugged Brett from behind and picked him up in his arms.

"I'm going to throw you into the waves," Eddy laughed as he dragged Brett to the sea.

"No! I can't swim-!" Brett tried to squirm his way out of Eddy's grip, laughing along.

They wrestled for a while, giggling as they tried to throw each other into the waves first. Eventually, Brett tripped and splashed into shallow tides. Eddy followed Brett into the water. The water was not too cold, just right for swimming.

Brett stood up with his ankles deep in water, watching Eddy swim. It was a nice feeling - the constant rhythm of the ocean in his toes. Creamy sand massaged his feet when the waves rolled over. The waves crashing into the rocky cliffs sounded like music to his ears.

"So, what do you think?" Eddy asked as he swam back to Brett, shaking the water out of his ears.

"This is beautiful," Brett whispered, gazing at the shimmering horizon.

"This is Debussy," Eddy replied, kissing Brett lightly on the forehead.



They spent the rest of the afternoon playing on the beach. Sandcastles were built and then kicked, drawings were made on the shore and then erased. Eventually, Brett and Eddy sat quietly as the sun began to set into the horizon. The seaside was transforming into a crimson watercolor palette.

"How do you know about this place?" Brett asked.

"I used to come here regularly," Eddy replied, throwing a pebble to the water.


"I once heard this is where they cremated my mother," Eddy turned to face Brett, smiling to show that he is alright talking about it.

"I don't remember her so I never really missed her. But you know, sometimes, when you're living your life, you sometimes wish you have someone...that's always watching out for you...and I came here when I needed those."

Brett rested his face on Eddy's shoulder.

"I'm sure she is still watching over you. Mothers are like that," Brett said softly.

Eddy closed his eyes, nodding silently.

When they first met, Eddy was hesitant about sharing his past with Brett. Whenever people learned about him, they would look at Eddy pitifully or avoid him, as if the mere presence of Eddy will bring bad luck to them. He thought he would never be fully understood by anyone let alone an aristocrat.

But Brett embraced Eddy's scars without judgment. Brett took Eddy's darkest traumas as if they were his own. And this was how Eddy knew he will be safe with Brett.

The sun submerged into the water, leaving a red trail on the rippling waves.

"It's too late to go back to Meldovern now. The front gate would be closed," Eddy glanced at Brett sitting next to him.

"Do you mind staying here for the night?" Eddy asked.

"We don't really have a choice, do we?"

Eddy couldn't tell if Brett was blushing or if it was the sunset that made Brett's cheek red. Brett was so beautiful - his pale skin glowed ever so delicately in the setting sun. Eddy's heart beat faster as they walked to the closest inn from the beach. Luckily, there was one bedroom available on the top floor.

"This is cozy," Brett nodded as they entered a small room with a queen bed. The room was dimly lit, with only one lamp by the bedside.

Without a word, Eddy leaned in to taste the salty remnant of the ocean in Brett's lips. Eddy let out a small chuckle as he watched Brett slowly kissing him back.

"...What?" Brett asked dreamily.

"Now I'm really curious about how you're going to play La Mer."

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