Let me help - Debussy La Mer

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"Brett Yang?"

"Yes?!?" Startled, Brett shot up from the chair.

Brett has just woken up from someone calling his attendance. He was in the classroom with a violin in his hand, sitting on a chair. Professor Claude looked at Brett with quizzical eyes. Other students giggled as they saw Brett's messy hair and unshaven face.

"When did you come to the class, Brett?"

"Umm.....yesterday...?" Brett coughed, trying to hide his morning voice.

It has been a crazy month for Brett: music theory classes, midterms, auditioning for the school orchestra, joining a string quartet project, composition classes, and preparing for a school competition. He has been practicing all night yesterday in the classroom and he remembers dozing off at one point... he has been sleeping here until the next morning.

At least, he wasn't late for class.

Professor Claude smiled. Brett was hardworking and sincere in his music and it showed during his practices: his playing has matured brilliantly for the past months. This was why Professor Claude assigned Brett to so many projects, which might have burnt Brett out.

"Let's try to sleep in the dormitory instead, yes?"

Brett nodded, his face red.



After class, Brett went to practice his piece for the school competition coming up next week. Julia, a piano major student, was accompanying him.

"You look like you were attacked," Julia laughed as Brett came into the practice room, looking homeless.

"Well, that's not entirely false......." Brett sighed as he tuned his violin. His composition class was kicking him in the butt and his midterms were punching him in the face - he did feel beaten up.

Brett shook his head as he started playing. He wasn't satisfied at all. He was just playing mechanically for the past few days because he was too busy to actually think. Brett felt like he didn't bring out any deeper interpretation of the piece he was playing for the competition yet. It was 'La Mer (The Ocean)' by Debussy, rearranged for violin solo. He loved this music but it was hard to bring out the quality he really wanted.

"Try to get some sleep tonight, you worry me," Julia tapped Brett lightly on the shoulder as she left after the practice.

"I hope," Brett murmured as he cleaned the violin. He still had more homework to do tonight so no, he probably won't be able to get some quality sleep anytime soon.

When Brett finally walked out of the practice room, Eddy was waiting for him outside. Eddy was also busy, preparing for the competition next week and going through midterms. However, being a violin whiz as he already is, Eddy could afford to get some more sleep while Brett really couldn't.

"Did you sleep again during practicing?" Eddy asked.

"I'm literally about to pass out right now," Brett rubbed his eyes.

"It has been a few days now, right?" Eddy looked concerningly at Brett. They couldn't even really hang out with each other for some time since Brett was so busy, skipping not only sleeping but most of the meals too.

"Do you want me to help you with that piece? Debussy's La Mer, right?"

"No, this is a competition. I can't let you help me with everything." Brett shook his head. He wanted to do his best in this competition, but with his own effort.

"Alright then. But at least sleep for 30 minutes before you go practice again. You will burn yourself out."

"I feel like Julia would probably not want to accompany me anymore in embarrassment because I played like a violist today."

"You're way too harsh on yourself. I'm sure you did just fine," Eddy laughed. However, looking at Brett so tired, Eddy couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"You need to eat something. Let's head to the cafeteria first."

"I don't feel like eating anything."

"You have no choice because I will be feeding you," Eddy playfully patted Brett's messy hair. Brett closed his eyes, feeling a little happier.

They took out a bowl of corn soup from the cafeteria and walked up to Brett's room. As Brett entered his room, he stumbled, losing his balance. Eddy caught him just in time.

"Are you sure you're not sick?" Eddy guided Brett into the chair.

"I'm fine. Just sleepy." Brett rested his head on the table and closed his eyes.

Eddy sat next to Brett. He scooped a spoonful of soup and blew into it to make sure it wouldn't burn Brett's tongue.

"Come on," Eddy took a spoon closer to Brett's mouth.

Brett obediently opened his mouth, taking a sip.

"I'm having some problem interpreting the piece though. It doesn't feel like the real ocean when I play it. More like a dirty lake filled with trash," Brett mumbled as he swallowed.

"Why do you think that way?" Eddy scooped another spoonful of soup.

"I don't know. It just feels like I'm not getting the ocean you know," Brett stood up straighter, frustrated at the thought once again.

"Maybe you need to go there to feel it," Eddy muttered.


"Nothing, just eat your soup," Eddy handed the spoon to Brett, smiling.



It was three days before the competition. Brett was in the practice room, once again. He has been practicing for hours now but he still wasn't totally content with his music.

Eddy was walking to his own practice room when he listened to Brett practicing next door. Eddy stood behind the door for a moment, listening to Brett's playing. Eddy could understand what Brett was talking about. Brett's performance was flawless in techniques but the phrasing sounded a little off. Eddy peered through the window and found Brett crouching behind the music stand, staring at the sheet, lost.

"Are you busy right now?" Eddy opened Brett's practice room.

Brett looked up at Eddy, frustrated.

"Of course, I'm practicing for the competition."

"Well, too bad. I'm taking you to the beach right now." Eddy took Brett's violin from his hands and shoved it in the case.


"Bretty, tell me honestly," Eddy sighed as he guided Brett out of the practice room.

"You have never been to the real beach, haven't you?" 

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