Mock Wedding - Coldplay Hymn for the Weekend

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Brett wouldn't have survived that summer without Eddy.

Brett crumpled the papers containing all the information about Anthony. The information was mostly useless - Anthony's residents, birthdate, and his family. The only thing interesting was that Anthony's family has been opening up a new pharmaceutical company in Handorr but that was about it.

Brett hid the paper under the desk when his first brother, John, came into the room.

"Brett, you didn't find any documentation regarding the cargo ship #2204, right?"

Brett shook his head, no.

"That's weird. That ship disappeared out of the blue while coming back from Collenka."

"I'm only taking care of the opera hall documents for now."

"Alright, I'll ask around. Anyway, I need those opera hall reviews done by tomorrow."

Brett groaned loudly in his head.

When his brother left the room, Brett sluggishly returned to his original work. He has been using his father's office since he didn't have his own office yet. He had stacks of paper in his desk again, mostly about how to design the acoustics of the opera hall and assigning fees for the technicians.

This was all too much. Brett announced to his brothers that this business thing will be only for the summer break. He will go back to focusing on his studies in Meldovern during the semester. There was only a week of summer break left so Brett had some hope up that he would soon be able to practice as he pleased. He also had a Candra concert hall performance coming up during the fall semester so he really needed to get back on his music studies.

Meanwhile, there was a loud yawn outside the balcony where the branches of the old tree swayed in the gentle breeze.

"That was a great nap."

Eddy was lying on one of the thick branches. During the summer break, Eddy came here almost every day at least for a few hours to practice his violin or take a nap on the tree. Since the tree only faced the balcony of his father's office, Eddy was concealed by all the leaves. No one noticed when Eddy came to stay next to Brett.

Brett walked up to the balcony.

"Just come inside and sleep in the bed."

"If I go inside, you won't be able to work. I promise that."

Brett looked up at the tree where Eddy was perched like a bird, almost like a mischievous tree elf. Warm sunlight glowed through the green leaves. A violin bag was hanging from the branch next to him.

"I think you will be offended if I say this," Brett sat on the balcony rail.

"Try me."

"I wish I'm a commoner sometimes."

Eddy huffed. He slowly opened his eyes and closed it again.

"Oh yeah?"

"I don't get to choose what I want to do in this family."

"You don't get to choose? I don't even get a chance," Eddy sneered but he felt sorry for Brett, being forced to work on a stupid business.

Eddy slid down from the tree, taking his violin with him. Eddy's skin was tanned into a nice olive shade from the sun. He stood in the garden, looking up at Brett, pale as a snow-white.

"I'm going back to Shobaim. Care to follow me and learn how to live like a commoner?"

Brett looked back to his desk where all the works were piled up. His brother said to finish them by tomorrow.

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