Chapter 47 - Louis

Start from the beginning

I can't keep the moisture covering my waterline back as I bury my face in Harry's shoulder, "You're trying to strangle my heart, aren't you?"

"That's what I live for, baby.", Harry quips back.

"Come on, froggy! Gotta go! New York won't wait all day!", Zayn hollers, interrupting what I was about to say.

"Coming!", Harry yells back, ignoring the sour look on my face from him leaving, planting a kiss on my neck before connecting his lips with my own.

He kisses me three consecutive times. Causing a rush to go through my veins as I kiss him back, putting all my emotions into those three kisses before Harry pulls away. His hands cup my cheeks before he presses his lips against my forehead, practically turning me to putty in his arms.

"I love you."

"I love you more.", Harry grins, dimples carving out in his cheeks as his eyes crinkle.

I force my smile to morph into a fine line, "Get off me, you goon.", I deadpan, letting my hands fall off his hips, "You're going to look like a granddad by the way."

He really will. With the hat he's going to cover his hair with knee length, beige and green shorts and the knitted sweater. But I think it's the shale that takes the cake.

He looks like a grandma in the form of a man, really.

"It's better than looking like a 20-year-old hipster like Zayn and Liam.", Harry defends himself.

"You should've just worn your sheep sweater and some khakis. Niall could've given you one of his wigs."

"I heard that!", Niall screams in offence, "I don't wear wigs! That was one time! We were drunk! You let Harry tattoo 'mine' on your ass! You have no right to judge me and my hot pink fucking awesome wig!"

I choke on air, as Niall just screamed about my ass tattoo, Harry trying to hold back his amusement as he weakly defends me, "Says you, Mr my first tattoo is going to be a guitar and my initials on my arse."

Before I anyone can do anything else, Harry is being dragged down the sleek hotel hallway by the arm. Both Zayn and Liam looking pissed as they have one of Harry's arms each, Harry looking like a hostage being dragged off even though he's the one who suggested they go out in the first place.

Once they're out of sight, I'm practically thrown over Niall's shoulder and carried into his room. My fists hitting against his back in an attempt to get him to put me down as I curse him out with every bad word in the book.

"Settle down, Tommo. We've got some shit to do here.", he demands as he finally sets my bum down on his black sofa in the centre of his hotel room. Or, the room Zayn has demanded he sleep in too.

I don't want to ask why. Even though it's killing me that he's not able to sleep alone.

"You better have a good fucking reason for treating me like a rag doll, Horan.", I warn him as he gets his laptop from his suitcase before plopping down next to me.

"First off. You can say no to this. But I really fucking hope you won't. and you can't think too much about it either, because we've got a show in ten hours. And this needs to be done today." Niall is deadly serious as his blue eyes are staring into my soul. The force of his tone making me straighten my back.

"What've you got in mind for us, Irish?" I give in.


After staring, typing, tweeting, retweeting, making accounts. For hours.


Niall and I have been sat here, with each our laptop resting on our thighs as we carried out Niall's plan. Which actually might be a pretty genius one.

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