Chapter 11

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Two months had gone by since we last had a look into the women's lives, and if you thought the drama was stirring up before, we were now in an automatic mixing bowl at full speed.

To recap of the previous mess we had been witnessing:

• Raya had spent her days plotting her world domination and being a total bitch to sweet ole assistant Kylie.

"Perfect." She smiled. "Did you book the jet for Thanksgiving? Chance and I are going to his parents."

Kylie nodded as she jotted down a good excuse to get Raya out of the meeting she no longer felt like attending.

"Did you?" Raya asked once more, raising her voice slightly, making Kylie's head snap up.

• And happily stirred up and poured everybody tea when it came to her relationship with the girls.

"Y'all are each other's biggest competition," Ebro concluded.

"Exactly, so now why is everybody 'so shocked' we don't speak no more?" Raya pushed further. "What do we have to speak about? Let's look at these numbers and keep it pushing."

"Damn," Rosenberg commented.

• And surprisingly, at the same time, she kept a mature relationship with her man. The girl was sprung, and Chance was the only one blessed enough to get her good side.

"I'm joking." She grabbed his hand across the table. "I know you love me, baby."

"Good." Chance his thumb across the top of her hand. "I'll love you even more if you tryna split this chicken alfredo."

"With the potatoes and steak?" She offered.

He pointed at her with a smile as the waiter came back to the table. "I like the way you think."

• Symone had been on an intense tour that had crazy shit going on, like her kicking Capri off.

"Well, someone get him off that stage. He's done," Symone spoke on a serious note. "I want him off this tour. Tonight."

This was the last straw.

She thought she could put up with his reckless and immature behavior, but it was slowly and surely becoming unbearable. And now, he had disregarded any and every level of professionalism and got on stage, not even able to stand up straight.

She was over the hype that was Capri.

Marcus' eyes widened. "Symone!"

"He's off the tour, Marcus, call one of the Lil's or some shit. And get him off that goddamn stage!" She shouted.

There was no room for argument or debate as she turned around and walked back to her dressing room, slamming the door closed behind her.

• And butted heads with the women in charge of the LA Vision Records business, Janet (like someone else we know 👀 I ain't sayin' no names, but they on the same label),

"Artists like Raya?" Symone asked knowingly, crossing her arms, her attitude came out.

"Her and a couple others yes, but I can assure you-"

Symone just held her hand up, cutting her off. "Look, y'all need to remember who's actually bringing in the revenue, and who's spending all of it on bullshit. My ticket sales or being up Raya's ass tryna be good enough so she can stick around? She does what she wants, regardless of what you do for her. So I'd start making some wise decisions."

FAME 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora