Chapter 6

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Omari walked into the clothing store, exuding natural confidence

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Omari walked into the clothing store, exuding natural confidence. The store owner texted him to come to pick up one of his purchases, and he was finally back in town from visiting Symone. He was more than pleased that the first person he was seeing was Iris.

He spotted her behind the front counter, and it was only a brief moment before their eyes connected, a smirk growing on Omari's lips as he approached. He placed his hands on the top of the counter, leaning in so she could hear him over the music when he spoke.

"You requested to see me."

Iris rolled her eyes at the smug look on his face. "Your pants came in." She grabbed the package from underneath the counter, handing it over.

He grabbed the bag, setting it down, his eyes never faltering from her face. "Don't be like that." 

"Be like what?"

"You could've mailed this to me, Iris. Stop acting like you wasn't tryna see me."

"What would I have to see you for?" She demanded, crossing her arms to show her disinterest.

He smirked, leaning in just a bit closer. "'Cause you be missing a nigga. I get it."

Iris instantly recoiled, noticing a woman standing behind him with her potential purchases. "Someone wants to pay behind you." She bluntly responded.

"Oh, my bad." He turned to look before moving to the side. "My fault." He told the woman. He watched in silence as Iris rang her out and exchanged small talk.

Once the woman was handed her receipt, she turned to Omari. "Can I get a picture?"

"For sure." He didn't hesitate to agree.

She handed her phone to Iris. "Can you take it?"

"Uh, yeah." Iris quickly agreed, seeing she didn't have a choice. She snapped a couple of pictures for them before seeing the woman out of the store with a smile.

Omari's smile mirrored hers as she turned to look at him, making hers drop. "What?" She snapped.

"You coming by later?"

"No." She instantly denied.

"Gimme a good reason."

"You got other girls who'd be down to come over later. You don't need me."

"Who says I don't? We could all have a good time together."

Iris scoffed at the invitation, rolling her eyes and walking away from the front counter.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, that was insensitive." Omari grabbed her arm gently, making her stop. "I just wanna spend time with you."


"'Cause, you look cute today." He tapped underneath her chin, making her have to try and fight a smile. "Come see me." He suggested, seeing that got her in a slightly better mood.

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