Chapter 4

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"Hello?" Michael spoke through her coughs as she answered the incoming Facetime call

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"Hello?" Michael spoke through her coughs as she answered the incoming Facetime call.

"Damn, what's wrong with you?" Elisa responded back with a small laugh.    

"I'm kind of internally dying," Michael replied as she dabbed a tissue under her nose. "But what's up? You never call me."

"Not true!"

"Your Symone's friend Elisa." Michael reminded her.

"I thought we were all friends."

Mikey was quick to correct her. "No. You're her friend. But what's going on?"

A smile appeared on Elisa's face once more. "As you know, I'm planning my wedding. And I just wanted to personally reach out and see if you'd come. I'd really like it if you came, Tyler too."

"Who's going?"

"Oh, come on, don't be like that. Come for me and Tyler. And you can bring Derek and Daylen. My niece is super cute and his age."

"You are seriously not trying to set up my son." Mikey chuckled.

"Come to my wedding!"

Michael just took a second to think about it. "Okay. I'll go. For you."

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Elisa happily beamed. "This means so much to me, no funny shit. Mikey, I miss you."

"I appreciate you." Michael smiled. "Thank you for inviting me."

Even if she wanted to downplay Elisa's friendship, seeing she was on the outs with Symone, she couldn't deny the memories they all had together. She was actually the one that put Elisa and her now fiance in the same room together. So she understood what her presence at their wedding would mean to them.

And just because they weren't as close as they used to be, she wasn't about to miss out on a happy moment just to be petty.

If Elisa and Tyler wanted her there, she'd be there.

Hollywood was just one small bubble, and no matter how far you ran from it, you could still easily get roped back in.

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