chapter 25: maybe a second chance

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Days passed and weeks followed behind swiftly. It's been up to one week and three days since Michelle left her father's house. Staying with Patrick hasn't caused much inconvenience to her or him. She has been busy with work, fighting so hard to prove her father wrong not wanting to waste any given time.

Patrick in the other hand is still throwing dimmed green light towards Michelle who doesn't even notice. He has been trying to win her back again but it doesn't seem like it's going to work out. No one has heard from Japhet. Michael has settled with her sister Michelle though he's still disappointed in her. Miranda has visited her once since she moved out. Hon and Mrs Stephenson have been on the low. Each focusing on their business while being haunted daily but their daughter's words.

Today, Michelle came back from work late as usual. She was so tired abd hungry as well. She came in and saw Patrick on the couch watching movie. "Hey"  she greeted. He turned and smiled at her "hey" he replied.

"You're still up?" She asked as she settled down on the couch taking off her shoes.

"Yeah, was waiting up on you. I made you dinner" he said staring at her admiringly. She smiled.

"Thanks so much. You're such a godsent as if you knew I was starving". She said as she made her way to the dinning. She ate to her fill.
Patrick just sat and watch her eat. He has planned to try again today maybe just maybe she will give in and give him another chance.

"Thank you for the dinner Pat, it was really nice, Gotta go take a bath". She said all at once as she takes her plate to the kitchen and heads towards the one they both shared. Patrick nodded with a smile and went to seat on the couch, putting on the television.

Minutes later Michelle was out in her nightie. "Good night Pat". She called as she turned to head towards her room. Patrick's apartment is a two room apartment with toilet and bathroom in one room and then a small kitchen and the sitting room.

"Uhm, Mich please wait..." Patrick drawled as he stood up to meet her, stopping her from moving forward to her room. "Mich please can we stay together... Maybe watch movie just for tonight please..." He begged her praying she doesn't say no.

" Uhm Pat I had a long day today and don't feel like doing anything other than to sleep maybe another time". She said and turned to go but Patrick was fast to grab her hand.

"Mich please don't say no to this one thing please" he pleaded once more. She exhaled and sighed exhaustly. "Okay". She said weakly and he smiled as he pulled her to the couch.

"Just one movie and am out". She declared. "Yeah just one" he replied excitedly. The movie was a 'romcom' which made Michelle not to fall asleep.

She was so absorbed in the movie smiling and laughing where necessary while Patrick kept on staring at her.

"Mich" he called out softly with his heart thumping louder. "Hmm" she hummed

"Cam we start again?" He asked with a slight hope in his eyes. She turned immediately shocked and surprised at his question.

"What?" She questioned hoping to get a clearer understanding of what he meant.

"Us, can we go back to how we were before, can you be my girlfriend again, can you just give us another chance please..." He said staring into her eyes as if the answers to his questions are there. She shooked her head sideways not believing that Patrick will ask her this.

She was about to talk when he spoke again. "I love you Michelle, I still do, I never stopped loving you all these years. Please just give us this last chance. I need you in my life, I can't survive without you..." He stopped but kept staring at her eyes with eyes full of emotions. he's about to breakdown.

Michelle has gone blank, nothing to say.  she licked her bottom lips which is already dried "Pat you're really asking something impossible. There can never be us again. Am pregnant with another man's child..."

"I'll take care of you and the child like my own" Patrick cut her off. She shooked her head sideways. "No Pat, I like you more as a friend l. Those feeling I had for you then are no longer there. Someone else has taken them".

"You can grow to love me again much. Love is being built. Mich please". He pleaded more.

"No Pat, I can. Let's just remain friends and not talk about this again. If you're..." The rest of her words were swallowed by a hard lips on hers. Patrick Toby is kissing her. She was beyond surprise and angry. She pushed him off and stood up.

"What in hell was that for? Don't you ever in your life try this rubbish again. Infact am leaving your house tomorrow!" She shouted and matched angrily to her room. She locked the door behind her and laid on the bed. 'what a mess she is'.

Patrick realizing what he has done cursed endlessly. He lost control of his emotions and kissed, now he's going to loose her forever. It's better they're friends than to be nothing to each other. He stood up and wiped the little tears on his cheeks. It really hurts to be rejected by someone you love. If only he had known. He knocked on Michelle's doors asking her for forgiveness but she paid deaf ears to all his pleas. He spent the night infront of her door waiting for her to open it. He can't loose her.

Let's stop here guys. It's short I know.

Am feeling Patrick guys.
Do you think Michelle should give him this chance?, does he even deserve it?.

Please comment your opinion for it will really help me.

Remember to vote guy.

Love y'all ❤️❤️

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