Ace laughed nervously, accepting a drink from Shaun. "Erm, why did you have to wait for me? You know I hate your games Suzie. They never end well."

Suzie pushed his arm playfully, "oh stop it. You love them really." She clasped her hands together and grabbed a hat full of names on the side. "Right, everyone, my new game is called questions and answers. I have put everyone's names in a hat and we are going to take it in turns to pick names out and fire questions at them." She turned to Ace, "Mr Wesley, as the boss here you get to go first."

Ace looked at her unimpressed and swigged his drink as Shaun and Rhys nudged each other chuckling to themselves. He picked out a tiny folded piece of paper and gave it to Suzie.

"Excellent", she said excitedly. She put the hat on the table next to her and opened the piece of paper slowly, bringing it to her chest as her eyes lit up. "Wow, this should be good."

Effie carried on glugging her drink, ignoring what was going on in front of her until she felt everyone's eyes land on her. Sasha nudged her as Effie finished the last bit of her drink and she whipped her head round to face her, "what was that for?" she snapped.

Sasha nodded at Suzie standing in front of her, looking like she was going to explode with elation. Effie looked at her worriedly, "oh God, what?"

Suzie grabbed Effie's arm and dragged her up. Effie felt her head spin as she started to regret finishing her entire drink so quickly. Ace was sat down on the bar stool facing everyone else and watched as Effie stumbled over, holding Suzie's hand tightly as she made her way to the bar stool next to him. Suzie looked at them together and clasped her hands in front of her chest, "well this could not have been planned better. I think everyone is going to enjoy this."

Ace shot Shaun and Rhys a dirty look as they couldn't contain their laughter, knowing exactly how this was going to go down. Suzie pushed the boys away starting to feel annoyed with them and walked over to the couple. "Right, Ace, I am going to ask you some questions first and then Effie it will be your turn with some different questions, got it?"

They both nodded. Ace leant into Effie, looking her up and down amusingly, "why am I not surprised that you're drunk already..."

Effie kept facing forward and felt her shoulders tense, his voice scratching at her skin. "Fuck you Ace", she whispered bitterly, just loud enough for him to hear.

Suzie turned around hearing them whispering, "sorry, did either of you want to say something first?"

They both shook their heads.

"Great! So, who has the first question they would like to ask Mr Wesley here?"

A girl called Molly who worked in the human resources department put her hand up. Suzie nodded at her and she stood up, "describe Effie in one word."

Ace felt everyone look at him intensely as Molly sat down. He didn't even have to think about it. "Stubborn."

The crowd in front of them 'oooh'd' making Effie roll her eyes and shake her head. "Dick move", she said under her breath.

Suzie then pointed to someone else who then stood up, "how did you and Effie meet?"

"Sevens", Ace replied, heat starting to build in his body.

Suzie then pointed at Shaun and Rhys who were whispering in the corner, "come on then boys, if you have so much to say, have you got some questions for Ace?"

They walked forwards swigging their beers and smirking at Ace, wanting to make this as awkward as they could for him without going too over the top. "Na, we want to ask Effie some questions", Shaun said, deciding to change things up a bit.

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