Are You Going to Greet Me

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Jungkook shook his head to clear it before pulling out a small box from his jacket pocket.

Jin's eyes widened comically. "Baby, I know we just confessed but I wasn't looking for a marriage proposal for at least another year. You know, after we move in together, talk about our future goals, maybe even after I take a few film classes at college..."

Blinking in shock, Jungkook shook his head laughing. "Jin, I got you a gift, not an engagement ring!" Opening the small box, Jungkook revealed two small silver hoop earrings. "I was going to get you gold but I think you look beautiful in silver—we're moving in together?"

Jin gasped and took the box from his lover's hands to examine the pretty earrings. "They're beautiful, Kookie! I love them! And, yeah, eventually, if you want,"

When the silence went on for a moment too long, Jin looked up to see a bright smile stretched across Jungkook's face.

"You wanna move in with me?" Jungkook asked, his voice watery.

Jin reached out and gripped his hand. "Yes, of course—" Jin was cut off as Jungkook's lips met his at crashing speed.

Jungkook rained kisses on his lips, his cheeks, his forehead, but thankfully not his eyes, Jin was very particular about his eyes after doing his makeup. Giggles of happiness left the oldest as he was ambushed with kisses. It was a wonderful sound to Jungkook's ears.

The prospect of thinking that far into the future with their relationship had sent Jungkook into an overload of affection.

Pulling back, Jungkook cupped Jin's face. "What's this about film school?"

Jin looked down bashfully. "Buckie retired and gave me some money. I want to make my own cooking show one day but I don't know anything about filming." Jin shrugged like it was no big deal. "Thought I'd shoot my shot."

"That's amazing! I think it's a great idea!" Jungkook said excitedly, pulling back to take the earrings out of the box.

Jin brightened up. "Really? You think it's a good idea?" He turned his head to allow Jungkook to put the earring in.

"Of course! This is big for you, baby. You're going to do so well. You're a people-person. People would tune into your show because of how great you are."

Jin felt tears gathering in his eyes. "You really think so?" Jin began fanning his eyes so the tears wouldn't spill over. "Sorry, lots of emotions going on right now. No one but my mom and Jimin has ever encouraged me like this."

Jungkook pulled the other into his arms. "You'll have my support for as long as you need it. I'll be by your side till you tell me to go."

"Yah! Stop saying stuff like that or you're really going to make me cry!" Jin complained.

Chuckling, Jungkook tightened his arms around the broader man. "I love you, Jin."

Jin slapped playfully at his back. "Now this really does feel like a proposal. I love you, too, my Kookie."

Jungkook holds Jin, inhaling the scent that he's secretly become addicted to these last few months. He feels a calm wash over him in that moment, fully at peace with what's to come of Jin and his relationship.

All too soon the peaceful feeling flies by as he catches a glimpse of the clock under Jin's TV.

"We should get going. Don't want to make them wait." Jungkook says, his voice losing its enthusiasm just minutes before.

Frowning, Jin caresses his hands. "We don't have to go. We can still call and say you're not feeling well."

Jungkook shakes his head. "It would upset Junghyun too much. Plus, I promised I'd be there. Can't run away forever."

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