Part 22: Cheater?

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I decided to ignore the text, trying to think nothing of it cause why would Gaege cheat on me? We are happy together and he loves me a lot.

I told myself...

It's the next morning, Gaege and I had fallen asleep watching Harry Potter but when I wake I up I don't see him. I head to the kitchen to see if he went to make us breakfast or something but he wasn't there either. "Gaege!?" I call out his name. No reply. "Gaege!?" I call again louder and still no response whatsoever. I went back to the tent to grab my phone and called him. "Where are you?" I ask almost immediately when he answered my call. "I didn't want to wake you Lavender."

He didn't answer my question.

"Um, when are you? I wanted to make breakfast and I didn't want it to be cold when you got back." I lie. "I'm with a friend. I'll be back soon tho." I shake my head and hang up.

A feeling of suspension and anger filled me to the brim and I hated it.

I went to the kitchen grabbing a mug, throwing it at the refrigerator in a fit of rage, it shatters into small pieces and I didn't care at the moment. I found my legs growing weak from under me, tears poured from my eyes as I fell to my butt on the floor and cried. I let out a scream, balling my hands into fists, and kicking my feet at the lower cabinets.

I didn't want to believe it at all but the red flags were beginning. Ever since I told him about Amy texting me saying he was cheating, he's been different...He leaving without telling me where he is or who he's with. He lied about blocking and has here name under fucking name. She even texted him to come that where he is?

I ran my hands through my hair, pushing it back, before I rise to my feet and grabbed my phone. I call Bailey not knowing what else to do. "Hey babygirl." She greets and I smile softly. "Come get me at Gaege's, please." I say and it was almost as she was in the room with me. "What did he fucking do? I'm on my way." I sniffle and wipe my tears. "I'll tell you later just don't kill anyone on your way here." I joke making her laugh. "On my way. Stay strong queen. Love ya." I hang up after telling her I love you too.

Ten minutes passed when she arrived and luckily she was able to get here before Gaege showed up.

I get my shoes on, grab Josh's hoodie he gave me, putting it on, and throw my hair into a messy bun. I head outside and get into Bailey's car. "Hey girly." We lean over the middle console and hug before she starts driving. "So, tell me, what's up?" I sigh leaning my head against the seat. "I think Gaege is cheating on me." She shakes her head focusing on the road but still listening. "Why do you think that?" She glances at me and takes my hand into hers. "Take your time." She knows how I can get and holds my hand. "It started yesterday, I think. I get a text from this unknown number which turned out to be a crazy ex of Gaege's, she's like he cheated on me in Vegas cause I got really drunk and kiss a girl." She nods to show she's still listening. "I go through his car, I find a note or something, I miss you Gaege. I call the number and guess who answers?" She shakes her head. "Amy." She answers and I nod. "Yup, she talking about some yeah you'll never be his number one and admited she was the rando number. I called Narrator and tell him all that's happening, he told me I should bring to Gaege's attention and I did. He said it was his ex and he'd never cheat. I ignore, we were building a fort, to cuddle and watch movies and shit." She smiles. "Cute." She says. "I grab his phone to get it for him and I see Amy's number saved under her name. Come over we need to make arrangements or some shit and I wake up this morning to no Gaege. He was out and wouldn't tell me who he was with or where he was." I let out a breath after explain that all. "Damn, he being really fucking sus." She pulls up at the beach and we both get out, I leave my shoes in the car not wanting to get sand in the and we begin walking near the water. "I mean you gotta get out of that. What are you waiting for, to catch him in the act? Cause trust me girl if you don't that will not make you get any closure. You guys seemed so happy and in love too, fucking men." She says kind of bumbed out. We walk along the water, the small waves running across our ankles, the breeze calming me as we talked more about the situation and other things.

"Thank you Bailey." I say with a small smile. "Anytime, you're like my little sister. Now, let's get some food from the boardwalk. I'm starving." I laugh. "Same!" We head up to the boardwalk, it wasn't really crowded and we head to a pizza place that we loved. Bailey holds open the glass door for me as I walk in, I look to my side and see Gaege sitting next to some pretty lady on a bench laughing, and Bailey looks around. "What?" She asks and I point to Gaege showing the girl something on his phone. She sees it and looks back at me with sympathy. "I want to leave." I demand slightly hurt. "Now." I walk back out the door, Bailey soon began following behind as we headed back to the car unseen. "I'm sorry Lavy." I shrug. "If he wants her so be it. Nothing I can do." I say. "I got a picture of them, we can confront them and-" I cut her off. "I just want to go home please." She nods and the rest of the car ride was silent besides the buzz of my phone cause Bailey sent the photo.

"Bye Bailey. Love you." I say as I get out. "Love you too." She says.

I head into my house, locking the door behind me and I head up to my studio. I look at the polaroid photos of me and Gaege taped to my monitor screen, I take them off and brush over it lightly with my finger before a teardrop slips from my chin falling onto the bottom of it. I get up taking the picture putting it into the small bin of trash in my studio before taking my seat back in my chair. I open up my phone going to my contact, I scroll through them, I click on Grant, I debate calling him but I don't and instead, I open the group chat in messages.

Me: *1 attachment sent* It's over!

Narrator: Who is that?

Mullen: Is this a prank????

Mexican Man: Lavender, are you okay!?

Josh: I'm so sorry.

Mi amor: I can explain Lavender. It isn't what it looks like!

ME: Oh really. I saw Amy text to you yesterday! 'Come over to make arrangements' Have fun with your slut, I am done!

Mi amor: We can talk about this. I'm almost home.

Me: There isn't anything to talk about!

Josh: Guys, can we all just calm down.

Mullen: You guys love you each other

Me: I don't cheat on the people i love!!!

*Lavender has left the group chat*

Tears were pouring down my face, anger filling, I throw my phone as hard as I can at the wall and shatter it. I scream into the pillow with all my effort feeling my heart ache.

I loved that man with everything but to know he was cheating on me hurt like hell. It was bad enough I was dealing with the hate but now this soon after it was all too much for me to handle.

I head down stairs to the kitchen, I grab all the alcohol I could fine. Wine coolers, bottles, white claws, beer. I head back up to the room and lock myself in the room. "Daddy always was an alcoholic." I chuckle before downing all my feelings.

I began to feel light, I felt numb, better than before at least. Gaege, the boys, and bailey all left my head. Only feeling a now blist feeling as the world around me fade into a blur...

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